Two Marshalls Together


New member

I have a 100W half stack (4x12) and a
50W half stack 4x12..

I want them to play my guitar signal at the same time.

IS it okay to plug into the 100W and then DI to the 50W??

or should I plug into the 50W and DI to the larger amp (100W)???

Im not gonna blow anything up by DIing a 100W into the 50W am I????

It will sound like shit. Well, for certain things via recording it might sound awsome for an effect.

Do a search on Ebay for a Boss Multijack. They are discontinued but I have one and it works awsome. 4 outputs:D

You just put it in your signal chain. Before or after effects.

I also have a Polychorus with a stereo setting called Double Track. Nice little effect to thicken my guitar sound. Like two people playing the same riffs at once. Works best with two amps though, and you have to mess with the delay time and phase time whenever you move you amp.
grinder said:
Use any stereo fx petal.

...this is the way I did it with my 100 & 50 watt marshall full stacks(the bottoms were authentic Leslies)...I still wake up with wood dreaming about those days...;)