Two computer monitors?

Not a stupid question -

Dual monitors simply mean more work space and depending on how you work or what apps you work with, two monitors is a requirement.

For example, I use Nuendo and Sonic Foundry Vegas day in day out...I like to have my project (track view) completely covering one monitor and my mixer/effects/inputs etc on the other monitor. Once you get used to two screens - you will never go back.

One monitor can be okay but it can also lead to constant scrolling, window repositioning and extensive mousing that wastes time and generally slows down my workflow.

Pretty much anyone who is really into their work/apps/workflow go to 2 monitors ASAP. I just switched over about 3 months ago and I can tell ya - 38 inches of screen is way better than 19.


Cuzin B
Cuzin B is right. I wish I had 2 monitors, so I can have Pro Tools edit window on one, and the mix window on the other.

19 is the smallest screen I could work with - it definitely the new standard - actually most of my contacts use twin 21's now.

No problem with hookup - just get a Matrox G450 dual head video card and you are all set.


Cuzin B
I've got my eye on dual flatscreens, for pure practicality...

Lets be honest, having 2 big 17" CRT monitors is bad enough. (My current setup)

I couldn't even dream of the dual 19"ers... They weight alone would go through my desk, and through the floor.

have 19" monitors brings in a big much burden in terms of EMC as well. A standard strat is in trouble with a 15" in the room. Try dealing with the Magnetic interferance from TWO 19" monitors!!!

For the money you'd spend on each 19" monitor, you could by a TFT screen (No EMC, Lighter and Smaller!!) which with run 1024x 768 easily.

So you've saved space in your studio, as well as made your workspace easier to work in to boot!

Come on, tell me i'm wrong :)


Okay - I will tell you your right and your are wrong.

Right - Weight. However - if weight is an issue - you don't need new monitors, you need a new workstation. I got mine for 299 at Ikea and it'll hold my car up if I drove up on it.

Right - Interference. But with a 10 foot cord, I had never had any buzzing on my recordings. I have a 57 Vintage Reissue (USA model) and makes noise if I am right in front of it so I just swing around and rock on.

Wrong - Cost - I spent 800 total for my twin Sony's. You show me a single 19 flat for that and I will buy it. But then I would need another. So I am in for 1600 now...that's getting too much.

Wrong - Display and color - TFT will never, ever come close to the display of a CRT. Here's a test - simply stand up from a TFT and look down - the image will be either gone of totally distorted. And I use my twins for graphic design and other stuff as well (dual boot).

Nope - flats would be nice but they have a long way to come in image value and cost before I could even consider them.

Each to their own....:)

Cuzin B
Cuzin b --

Agreed, if your doing anything where graphics are important, then it's vital that you use CRT. TFT just doesn't have the quality or the 'sharpness' for it. -- Agreed.

As for the cost issue, TFT prices are tumbling.
19" monitors in the UK start at about £150 whereas TFT's start at about £270.

But then, it really depends if space is paramount to you. In my studio, i'm greatfull for every square inch I can save. Also, I'm considering taking the step of making the studio portable as well. Try taking 19" on the road :)

Anyway, as you said, each to their own. I think the advent of TFT has really helped the monitor market, by pushing down the price of CRT monitors. 4 years ago you couldn't even get a 15" monitor for that price! :)

anyway, i digress...

Yes 2 monitors is the way to go (without a doubt) --- your choice of monitor is up to you.
