Turntable Strobe


New member
I just bought the Stanton STR8-30 Turntable. I'm just using it for listening not DJ'ing. For some reason, the strobe does not stay still. It moves a fraction to the right as record plays. I always thought the strobe had to stay completely still and in the same place. Am I being too picky ? Is there something wrong ? It's a Direct Drive model. Thanks in advance !
Have you used the adjust slider? It adjusts the speed. The strobe measures the speed of the turntable. Hopefully you can adjust it so the strobe is still. If not, it should at least stay at the same speed, without drifting faster and slower.
if you cant set the fine adjustment so the strobe stays still, and if the turntable uses a belt,,,i'm not sure...but normally this might indicate a worn belt. you might want to check with stanton. i'm not an expert on turntables.
You need to adjust the pitch control.
If that doesn't correct it, you may want to pull the platter off and make sure no packing material found it's way underneath of it. Might want to do that anyway.