turning off the auto punch in cakewalk 8.0


New member
Now the second part of the first question how do you turn off the punch-in feature on cakewalk.

Below is a copy of the original post and the first reply.

I tried selecting the punch in selection but I didnt seem to turn off I had to close the program down and restart program to disable the punch in.

What I was tring to do was punch in on a vocal track. But I wanted each punch in to go to a different track. And my plan was to select the best on and combine the track together.

Also is there a way to set start loop point and the punch in start and punch in stop locations.

For example. I would want the loop to start at the 4th bar but not actually punch in until it reached the 8th bar stop at the 9th bar and repeat it self until I press stop.

My reason is to give the vocalist time to catch a breath in between takes.

Feedback is much appreciated!!!!!

12-27-2000 23:39 IP: Logged

John Sayers
Recording Genius

First you must select - View/Toolbars and select Record and Loop. This gives you the loop toolbar. If you select autopunch and click the little icon next to it you can select the punch in and out points. You then set the loop to the other points you required and it will loop and auto punch at the times selected.

I run CW PA9.0 rather than 8.0. However, assuming it is similar you can do this in at least two ways.

1. Go to the "realtime" menu and select "record options". Change the setting from "Autopunch" to "Sound on Sound" or "Overwrite" as you desire.

2. Make sure your record toolbar is showing (if not, go to View -> Toolbars and click the button next to "record"). On the record toolbar there is a dropdown menu with the choices of Sound on Sound, Overwrite, and Autopunch. Select the one you want.