tube EQ ???


New member
I was at Daddy's Junky Music earlier today checking out some Behringer gear like a tube mic pre and feedback destroyers and such so I decided to check into some of their (Behringer's) stuff here on the pornonet and checked out their site. Much to my amazement, I found the TUBE ULTRA-Q T1951 parametric eq. :rolleyes:

I know some of you joke about tube mic stands and cables, but seriously a tube eq??? Am I out of my mind for thinkinh that I would never want to use such a thing? :confused: I need gear that wont give me any crap when the weather changes while I'm recording...(Except maybe an old Marshall amp, some things you just gotta learn to live with)

Could someone please explain why a tube EQ would ever be nesessary? I know that digital recording can tend to be a bit "cold" but...

Also...any feedback on Behringer gear in general would be cool.


Here's some opinions on Behringer gear...the general consensus is that Behringer gear (outside of their mixers) is pretty cool......

I believe any chance you get to run your sound thru tube gear should be taken advantage of....the "cold" sound of digital is a product of accuracy...when you record digital you arent getting any tape compression, no distortion, or some of the other changes that analog introduces and makes it sound so "warm"....of course, tube gear will sound better as the tubes warm up so you can just leave it on all the time or learn to deal with it.....

BTW, you aint cool if you dont have a tube mic stand.....
Yeah, I neglected to look at the multitude of Behringer-related posts before I started this thread...oops, sorry.

Gidge said:

I believe any chance you get to run your sound thru tube gear should be taken advantage of....

Wouldn't a good mic pre be enough? Of all of the tens of dollars I have to spend on equipment, I'm not sure a tube eq would be a wise investment...but then again, I do own two 3630s.
I dont think a tube eq is very necessay...Outboard eq's, unless part of a preamp, arent mentioned a whole lot here, so im assuming they arent used much....A good preamp is definitely enough.....

If you had been around here for awhile, you wouldnt have those 2 3630's.....

BTW, what preamp are you using?....
I'm useing a dbx 286A. I like it so far. Not TUBE, of course, but I've been stareing at a $190 Behringer tube mic pre for a while. ( the model escapes me now and I can't find it on their site, pretty omenous)

As to the 3630's, i got 'em before I knew "here" existed. That's ok though. I really have no way to compare them to anything else out there, cuz I have never used anything else. I could have gotten dbx units for the same price, but the guy in the store said he preferred the Alesis'. But, then again, I would probably have come here and found out that they suck too! ;)

Behringer's compressors are neat. I like the auto com. There is no way it can compete with $10,000 comps, but it holds it's own