tube - digital question


New member

i want a full - ballsy - huge sounding drum sound from my recordings, and i have the drums....but here is my question.

by using a tube preamp, and then recording to my computer, through a mackie 1402vlzPro and a gadget labs wave/496, will it still sound digital? because i don't have the time to buy a whole analogue setup, nor the patience to edit tape. :)

so would the tubes help? even though its going to end up digital in the end?

you have to look at your whole signal chain, not just one piece. The best drum sounds I've heard were tracked through API and Neve preamps, neither of which are tube. I think with your current signal chain, your not going to get the tone you want to hear. Also, you didn't say what mics you were using, thats part of it too. Good luck.
well, i've got four 57s, and an old teac condenser thats very odd. i'm thinking of the oktava mc012, though its quite a bit of money for me....i'm only 16. i'm thinking condensers will give me the best result. can you recommend anything else?

what do you mean, sound digital? tape and digital have totally different characteristics, but both can be made to sound amazing. The opposite is also true, both can sound terrible if poor techniques are used. the best thing in your situation(in my opinion) is to use decent mics for recording. you have a decent mixer but i am not familiar with the sound card. Basicly if you want an amazing drum sound you SHOULD* have the following: Well tuned drums
Good mics/cables
decent mixer/sound card/software
just make the drums sound good and make the room sound good or put the drums in a good sounding room and remember the less EQ the better.

Tubes might help but i wouldnt spend the money unless you are going big like an Avalon or something. All the small tube pres (like the tube MP)run the tubes at low voltages when they really need like 600 volts. This, in my opinion just sucks the sound.

*just remember, some of the best sounding drum sounds have been made by not following the rules!

well, i've got four 57s, and an old teac condenser thats very odd. i'm thinking of the oktava mc012, though its quite a bit of money for me....i'm only 16. i'm thinking condensers will give me the best result. can you recommend anything else?

Definitely dont wanna go thru a tube preamp then the mackie and into the soundcard..thats just too many links in the go straight into the Mackie (just the preamp section, dont let the signal go thru the mixer section if this can be done)...since you r 16 on a limited budget, try using the 57's (one on the kick, one on the snare, two as stereo overheads, and the teac overhead in the middle...get as hot a signal as you can but make sure you arent clipping...when you mix, bring up the three overheads first and try to get the best sound out of those as possible....then bring in the other 2 trying to get the low end of the kick and the snap of the snare thru these...this wont get you the best sound possible but its a starting point...when I was 16 i didnt even have a 4 track yet.....