trying to master live show take


New member
i know this isnt gonna get the best quality, but i'd just like to get the levels about right.

i have a mix of a show my band and its all on one condenser becasue of friend filmed it for us. im going to try to bring the up the vocals, about what range should i be looking at on an equalizer to raise these? and also ill try to raise the guitar a bit too, what the frequency aroudn there as well? the cymbals are too loud so what frequency should i take down? the rest i can mess with frequency wise.

also, compression should i do this before or after eq? any other ideas you have please fill me in. im not looking for excellent quality just evenness? thanks.
theres probably nothing you can do. raising the vocal frequencies is going to change the frequencies in every other instrument, so your not really bringing it up.
