Trump on Trial!

Hey Leddy. Are you Jewish and is your real name Larry? Strange question but Geddy Lee’s mom is an Israeli old school and his given name is Gary. With her heavy Yiddish accent ‘Gary’ became ‘Geddy’. Alex took his from the translation of his birth name that translates to ‘son of life’. Just curious brother
a civil judgement involving an assault claim against him,
What do you think of Carroll's specific allegations? Do you even care if the civil judgement was fair or do you just derive glee out of saying there was a civil judgement without regard to the merits?

association with Epstein
With -0- implication that he was involved in Epstein's unsavory activities and the reality that he cut ties with Epstein when he learned of his unsavory activities, which you conveniently ignore. I'm sure there are many people who were associated with Epstein who never got mixed up in that - but you just like saying "association with Epstein".

On the other hand last I heard you were falling all over yourself equivocating about people showering with their pubescent daughter.
Hey Leddy. Are you Jewish and is your real name Larry? Strange question but Geddy Lee’s mom is an Israeli old school and his given name is Gary. With her heavy Yiddish accent ‘Gary’ became ‘Geddy’. Alex took his from the translation of his birth name that translates to ‘son of life’. Just curious brother
You’re in the ballpark. Not Jewish but my name begins with L. Not Larry but it is a nod to Geddy.
What do you think of Carroll's specific allegations? Do you even care if the civil judgement was fair or do you just derive glee out of saying there was a civil judgement without regard to the merits?

With -0- implication that he was involved in Epstein's unsavory activities and the reality that he cut ties with Epstein when he learned of his unsavory activities, which you conveniently ignore. I'm sure there are many people who were associated with Epstein who never got mixed up in that - but you just like saying "association with Epstein".

On the other hand last I heard you were falling all over yourself equivocating about people showering with their pubescent daughter.
You’re just asking me to repeat myself. Do I have 100% proof of his guilt? No. But I strongly suspect based on a pattern of behaviors.
Your post #737 in this thread is a start.
And what is your point? That I have an opinion based upon facts? Maybe my facts are not the same ones you have?

Sure there are lawyers here that will lol at my coming rant... I'm only trying to make a point even if I am a 'deplorable'.

Ok, well subject to post #737 in the case of D Mattews vs Jimmy Strickler, the argument is disallowed due to hearsay.

I'm just gonna leave this alone aside from a couple of comments/questions. It would be great if you would acknowledge or answer any of them. Though you have every right to not purger yourself.

There is obviously a bias from media and unlawful use of the judicial system right? Not any logical minded person can say that is not true. Can you?

What is your direct relationship with the Biden administration? Can we all assume that you have either donated, contributed, or otherwise been influenced by someone that is biased for the means of gaslighting an agenda? 'Objection' 'Sustained"

So, you seem to believe everything you hear in media that is biased towards a candidate you oppose of? Would you not make shit up to defend such a false leader of the people of America? "objection".

Sounds like a shitty script from 'Law And Order' doesn't it?

So why do you spend your time arguing with others that would rather debate/have conversation with you about issues with facts? I would like to say that a conversation with you would be valued, but you are already set in the place of always being right. Shown by hundreds of short posts, you have solidified your place in your static beliefs. So why do you continue with trying to argue with troll like one off spurts of judgment? That is why I call you out as a troll. Seems to me you just want conflict. Never an admission of understanding for another point of view.

And here I am, judging you. For that I might say I am sorry. But at least I explain myself, give you an opportunity to rebut, and ask for alternative thoughts. Nope, I get you saying I am in a cult. Cop out/bullshit lack of reasonable ability to comprehend an alternate opinion. Again, that makes me feel you are a troll.

It is not like any of us 'better than Biden' people are racist asshole cult people like you and your mainstream media make us out to be "THE BIGGEST THREAT TO DEMOCRACY'.

That description the media came out with is likely the most dumbassery, bullshit thing they have ever come up with. This identity politic bullshit that presents any opposing opinion as racist, misogynist, or in any way a threat to 'democracy', is fucking bullshit.

What is bullshit is rebuilding the economy/infrastructure/energy for a new way of clean energy, without having any type of infrastructure to make it work. That is political redirection using a false global warming alarm to allow for making the rich more rich at the expense of us average people.
Proven beyond a reasonable doubt but same intent. And I agree. But that should not be a targeted political ploy to deny an eligible Presidential candidate from his right to campaign for election which is undeniably what these antics are trying to achieve. I propose this: if he is found guilty by jury of peers of any or all of these charges, he needs to pay his debt to society, absolutely, whether he has been targeted (which he obviously has) or not. But when our judicial system alters my right to vote for an eligible Presidential candidate by means of weaponizing a judicial system to handicap my favored candidate, that system is impeding my right of free choice. These are not heinous crimes like slaying little girls and stripping skin and flesh from their bodies. Just. Let. The. People. Vote. Afterward, do not dismiss any sentences, but delay them until either: He did not win the presidential election or after the last day of his office. It’s political injustice in the bigger picture of this context. Surely you can seen that, right?
Look dude.... we don't agree and we're not going to. Unless you have an epiphany or something. Donald Trump is a pig. A fuckin asshole. A piece of shit human being. He ADMITTED that he sexually assaults women. He was subsequently found liable in a court of law for doing exactly that. As a sitting president - he conspired with others to overturn a free and fair election with the aim of remaining in office. And you're concerned about election fairness and having the people's voice heard through the electoral process? Spare me. The guy is a vindictive, thin-skinned, mean-spirited, scowl-faced chronic pathological serial liar who attempted to overturn an election. He is everything that I raised my kids not to be. And he is all those things in a very big, obvious way. His administration was a revolving door of firings and resignations - absolutely unprecedented in that sense. A large majority of those people who came out of there corroborate my comments and have said that he is wholly unfit for that job. You may not care - you may not believe it. That doesn't change the stone cold reality about what and who he is. I have said it ad nauseum... with me.... for me.... it is not about partisanship, party, policy, or ideology. It is about character. I could go on and on.... but it really doesnt matter does it? I would vote for the rotting dead corpse of Joe Biden before I would vote for that scumbag.
Do I have 100% proof of his guilt? No. But I strongly suspect based on a pattern of behaviors.
Fail!! lol

But seriously having a strong suspicion or goddam obvious to anyone with a brain is not the deciding point in this day and age now is it? Which way is that there jury leanin'? There's yer justice.
One more thing - and I'm talking to every person here who is even mildly sympathetic towards trump.... if he was a Democrat and was the same person and did all the same shit - would that change your feelings about him and the entire situation. No need to answer that. Just think about it.
Oh yes, I'm sure that all 18 women are lying. All of them!
You should be so honored in your life to have such stature. Really? Do you not think that the basic 'celebrity' of such an individual would not have so many adding to the story for self benefit? Ever think of that? Do you think ever other than hateful spew?

People like you seem to spend half of your time pretending to give minorities and women rights, yet bring down anyone who gets pronouns wrong? If anyone need to be 'woke' you all need 'awakening'. For the love of Kevin Bacon, find at least 3 of the steps to get there...
Fail!! lol

But seriously having a strong suspicion or goddam obvious to anyone with a brain is not the deciding point in this day and age now is it? Which way is that there jury leanin'? There's yer justice.
The system isn’t perfect, but that’s why we have an appellate process too. One of the biggest problems is the need for money to properly deal with the system.

Out of curiosity, have you ever been seated on a jury? I recently was for the first time. Civil matter, not criminal. Still very interesting. The other jurors were extremely diligent and dedicated to taking it seriously and being fair. I’m glad I did it.
Look dude.... we don't agree and we're not going to. Unless you have an epiphany or something. Donald Trump is a pig. A fuckin asshole. A piece of shit human being. He ADMITTED that he sexually assaults women. He was subsequently found liable in a court of law for doing exactly that. As a sitting president - he conspired with others to overturn a free and fair election with the aim of remaining in office. And you're concerned about election fairness and having the people's voice heard through the electoral process? Spare me. The guy is a vindictive, thin-skinned, mean-spirited, scowl-faced chronic pathological serial liar who attempted to overturn an election. He is everything that I raised my kids not to be. And he is all those things in a very big, obvious way. His administration was a revolving door of firings and resignations - absolutely unprecedented in that sense. A large majority of those people who came out of there corroborate my comments and have said that he is wholly unfit for that job. You may not care - you may not believe it. That doesn't change the stone cold reality about what and who he is. I have said it ad nauseum... with me.... for me.... it is not about partisanship, party, policy, or ideology. It is about character. I could go on and on.... but it really doesnt matter does it? I would vote for the rotting dead corpse of Joe Biden before I would vote for that scumbag.
Um, though I agree with you to a point that he is no angel, you have made statements here that are also not true.

I find it really strange how personal some take how the media has exacerbated what Trump has said and done. Yeah, not pleasing, but not really anything more than many other 'Presidents' have done or said.

It's intriguing to me, how one person who actually had good results in policy during his 4 years, is considered less desirable than one who has similar indiscretions in his life, 3 wars, an economy that sucks, and is abusing the judicial system to place all Americans at risk of jail.

Guess we pick the least destructive of them all?

Guess I will nominate Micky Mouse!
Look dude.... we don't agree and we're not going to. Unless you have an epiphany or something. Donald Trump is a pig. A fuckin asshole. A piece of shit human being. He ADMITTED that he sexually assaults women. He was subsequently found liable in a court of law for doing exactly that. As a sitting president - he conspired with others to overturn a free and fair election with the aim of remaining in office. And you're concerned about election fairness and having the people's voice heard through the electoral process? Spare me. The guy is a vindictive, thin-skinned, mean-spirited, scowl-faced chronic pathological serial liar who attempted to overturn an election. He is everything that I raised my kids not to be. And he is all those things in a very big, obvious way. His administration was a revolving door of firings and resignations - absolutely unprecedented in that sense. A large majority of those people who came out of there corroborate my comments and have said that he is wholly unfit for that job. You may not care - you may not believe it. That doesn't change the stone cold reality about what and who he is. I have said it ad nauseum... with me.... for me.... it is not about partisanship, party, policy, or ideology. It is about character. I could go on and on.... but it really doesnt matter does it? I would vote for the rotting dead corpse of Joe Biden before I would vote for that scumbag.

Without parsing that all down what does it illustrate about D Trump? What is the one thing he is not - in all that diatribe? What is the one thing that would make all those folks bail like rats from a sinking ship?

He is not and has never been a DC politician. He doesn't get that game, don't know how to play it. That fucking terrifies those folks in the "swamp", thems what suppose they run things. That is entertaining as hell.

And the single only reason why I voted for him the last two times and will this time too. Whoo - hoo what a ride!!
Out of curiosity, have you ever been seated on a jury? I recently was for the first time. Civil matter, not criminal. Still very interesting. The other jurors were extremely diligent and dedicated to taking it seriously and being fair. I’m glad I did it.
No. Escaped by the skin o me teeth. I was served but had just moved to another county so - "never mind."
Having said that I served on a Zoning Board of Adjustment for 7 years - 4 as chairman. If you take it seriously it is very much being judge and jury. Serious shit.
One more thing - and I'm talking to every person here who is even mildly sympathetic towards trump.... if he was a Democrat and was the same person and did all the same shit - would that change your feelings about him and the entire situation. No need to answer that. Just think about it.
I’m not sympathetic one bit but I’ll answer. To me this isn’t an applauseometer thing. To me this is who is the best person to run the country. Period. I keep open-minded to differing opinions but I am pretty steadfast in my belief that Trump is the best man to run the country in 2024 and still miss the times of 2016-2020 under his leadership. Doesn’t mean I’d want to have a drink with him and he’d likely think I was a long-haired, tattooed, bleeding heart architect not worth his royal company. That doesn’t matter to me and not what I’m hiring him to be. I’m hiring him in the simplest of terms to the best Commander-in-Chief/CEO of the United states of America, Inc.. I truly believe he is. Better candidates out there? Bet your sweet ass there are. Better realities for 2024? I don’t believe so. This is business Sonny, not personal.
I’m not sympathetic one bit but I’ll answer. To me this isn’t an applauseometer thing. To me this is who is the best person to run the country. Period. I keep open-minded to differing opinions but I am pretty steadfast in my belief that Trump is the best man to run the country in 2024 and still miss the times of 2016-2020 under his leadership. Doesn’t mean I’d want to have a drink with him and he’d likely think I was a long-haired, tattooed, bleeding heart architect not worth his royal company. That doesn’t matter to me and not what I’m hiring him to be. I’m hiring him in the simplest of terms to the best Commander-in-Chief/CEO of the United states of America, Inc.. I truly believe he is. Better candidates out there? Bet your sweet ass there are. Better realities for 2024? I don’t believe so. This is business Sonny, not personal.
(y) Yup and agreed. It ain't a personality contest.