Trump on Trial!

From what I've seen/read a jury likely has made its mind up early on in the trial.
Well, no shit! Trump, Manhattan...
However, Cohen must be a major disappointment, and Merchan is just embarrassing!
The two lawyers on the jury must be sweating.
:LOL: aren’t they supposed to hear all the evidence first? :LOL:
Absolutely, and of course. It's just the way the mind works. After a short (2 or 3 days?) you make up your mind, and then the rest of the information either supports or changes/negates that.
They have their own reputations to worry about.
No need to yell, but I don't follow.
Everyone, no matter their background has the same job on a jury. Doesn't matter if they are a lawyer, a ditch digger, a nuclear scientist, or brain surgeon, etc.
Just because they are a lawyer doesn't make them right or wrong about anything. Look at Rudy...
No need to yell, but I don't follow.
Everyone, no matter their background has the same job on a jury. Doesn't matter if they are a lawyer, a ditch digger, a nuclear scientist, or brain surgeon, etc.
Just because they are a lawyer doesn't make them right or wrong about anything. Look at Rudy...
You honestly don't think those two lawyers plainly see how corrupt and biased Merchan is?
Do yourself a favor, watch FOX and do the MATH.
You honestly don't think those two lawyers plainly see how corrupt and biased Merchan is?
Do yourself a favor, watch FOX and do the MATH.
No, I think they are like everybody else.
They have their own opinions (could go either way), and will hopefully do their jobs like the rest of the jury.
Your opinion of the judge is a bit skewed methinks. From what I've seen he's run a tight ship, and not caved to provocation, stupidity, or acts created to form a mistrial.
You honestly don't think those two lawyers plainly see how corrupt and biased Merchan is?
Do yourself a favor, watch FOX and do the MATH.
Personally I think the judge is smarter (and obviously more restrained) than you or I.
I am also not interested in watching a network that had to pay almost 800 million dollars because they purposely lied.
Personally I think the judge is smarter (and obviously more restrained) than you or I.
I am also not interested in watching a network that had to pay almost 800 million dollars because they purposely lied.
The only mistake FOX made was "jumping the gun" claiming voting machines were hacked...
which was never actually proven to be false. Crooked judges, lawfare, and voting computers... go figure.
The only mistake FOX made was "jumping the gun" claiming voting machines were hacked...
which was never actually proven to be false. Crooked judges, lawfare, and voting computers... go figure.
Not sure why/how you could call it false. That's the exact thing they were guilty of.
You honestly don't think those two lawyers plainly see how corrupt and biased Merchan is?
Do yourself a favor, watch FOX and do the MATH.
I watched Fox entertainment for about three days after nine eleven. It took that much time to realize they were full of shit and nothing more than fear mongers.
The only mistake FOX made was "jumping the gun" claiming voting machines were hacked...
which was never actually proven to be false. Crooked judges, lawfare, and voting computers... go figure.
Everyone is crooked except Trump. Seek help.
Everyone is crooked except Trump. Seek help.
Well, we will know soon what a jury of his peers decide on the matter. Either way, he still has my vote as of now. I want to see if the two debates convince me otherwise. I really think Biden/Harris are a disaster. I’m pro Trump because I’m anti-Biden and ESPECIALLY anti-Harris (who will likely serve as POTUS for a good part of the next term if they win). God help us all if that happens 😔
Well, we will know soon what a jury of his peers decide on the matter.
Whatever the outcome is it’s gonna be a freaking mess.

Back in LA I watched the Rodney King trials religiously. Then the officers involved were acquitted.
I lived up in the hills overlooking downtown LA. Within about an hour after the trial, all hell broke loose. Later that day could see black smoke all over that area. Oh shit!
Next day or so we had national guard tanks on the streets and curfews.

Fun times indeed.

No matter the outcome of the Trump trials, we can rest assured that a large segment of the population is NOT going to be happy.

Sorry to sound pessimistic, but could this be the beginning of a ‘Summer of Love’ repeat? Riots 2.0?

I don’t have good feeling. Hope I’m wrong.
Sorry to sound pessimistic, but could this be the beginning of a ‘Summer of Love’ repeat? Riots 2.0?

I don’t have good feeling. Hope I’m wrong.
Yeah I alluded to that on one of these threads. A long hot summer. I don't really think so. Most people are entertained by the Trump saga. It's like reality TV. Thems that hate him and thems that love him ain't gonna get stupid if the various verdicts go for/against. It ain't over and he ain't going to jail. Entertainment, Baby.

Now come the election all bets are off. But it will be November. Who shows up to a protest in a winter coat?
Yeah I alluded to that on one of these threads. A long hot summer. I don't really think so. Most people are entertained by the Trump saga. It's like reality TV. Thems that hate him and thems that love him ain't gonna get stupid if the various verdicts go for/against. It ain't over and he ain't going to jail. Entertainment, Baby.

Now come the election all bets are off. But it will be November. Who shows up to a protest in a winter coat?
It’s definitely popcorn time. Like a car pile up on the freeway, You can’t turn your eyes away.