Trump on Trial!

Mark Levin said something that really got my attention...

Politically, we're already split 50/50... There's no telling how many illegals have crossed the border... We'll never know how many insurgents Biden has already flown in... And now the dems want to import Gaza to the mid-west US.

Soon, Americans won't be able to tell who the enemies are...

Except, perhaps, by their posts on social media.
That's not to mention the "sisters" fighting in congress...

Corrupt Government sets the precedence... No wonder we're at each other's throats.
The argument form of a "loaded question" is deceitful. I said almost but not quite because I don't believe you are a dishonest person. The question - at least to me - is completely irrelevant to the issue at hand: Who is the best choice of the two viable candidates to lead the country for the next 4 years? Basing an argument "scoring point" on an irrelevant question is questionable if not deceitful.
Most of what you say here is true. No candidate is perfect, and you make the best choice between the two to represent you. Prior to Trump, I never felt like either candidate was going to move the country backwards. I voted for McCain and Romney, but Obama won and the sun still comes up and the world still spins.

In my book though, Trump crossed a line. Disparaging John McCain, the grab ‘em by the 🐱, screwing contractors, abusing bankruptcy laws…this was different. Those things crossed the line in the sand for me. I’d rather take my chances with a democrat than support that. I’ve heard people say they don’t care about the character of a potus, it’s all about policy. I could argue much of his policy was not great as well. Debt grew even prior to covid spending, wealth disparity increased, millions became uninsured…he inherited a great economy and racked up debt instead of paying down while he could. But I also think character does matter.

Flash forward to 2020 and the election fraud claims along with the fake electors plan, which if really was a planned lie by Trump, I believe to be the worst thing Trump has done as potus. If Trump lied, it was an attack on our democratic system; an attempt to overthrow. Meets the definition of treason.

Japov said he’s cool with Trump even if he lied and planned the bullshit fraud claims from the start (treason). None of the folks here who say they’ll vote for Trump batted an eye over that (except you saying treason would cause you to not support him), unless I missed it. I find that very disturbing, I must say. I think the question is anything but irrelevant. I’d like to know how ugly this is really getting. This isn’t Obama vs McCain anymore.

What is your line in the sand?
An example I previously said - if the election really was stolen by the democrats, I would absolutely not vote for Biden.
Not at all brother. You are an honest argument which is rare in this world. I respect you and your opinion. You ain't stoopit.
Back at you.
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These are long time conservative Republicans and an eminent Princeton cum laude psychologist and Johns Hopkins professor. I know those on the Trump bandwagon will dismiss this out of hand and not give this discussion a fair hearing, but the true will out. Mark my words.

What you say here is entirely true. No candidate is perfect, and you make the best choice between the two to represent you. Prior to Trump, I never felt like either candidate was going to move the country backwards. I voted for McCain and Romney, but Obama won and the sun still comes up and the world still spins.

In my book though, Trump crossed a line. Disparaging John McCain, the grab ‘em by the 🐱, screwing contractors, abusing bankruptcy laws…this was different. Those things crossed the line in the sand for me. I’d rather take my chances with a democrat than support that. I’ve heard people say they don’t care about the character of a potus, it’s all about policy. I could argue much of his policy was not great as well. Debt grew even prior to covid spending, wealth disparity increased, millions became uninsured…he inherited a great economy and racked up debt instead of paying down while he could. But I also think character does matter.

Flash forward to 2020 and the election fraud claims along with the fake electors plan, which if really was a planned lie by Trump, I believe to be the worst thing Trump has done as potus. If Trump lied, it was an attack on our democratic system; an attempt to overthrow. Meets the definition of treason.

Japov said he’s cool with Trump even if he lied and planned the bullshit fraud claims from the start (treason). None of the folks here who say they’ll vote for Trump batted an eye over that (except you saying treason would cause you to not support him), unless I missed it. I find that very disturbing, I must say. I think the question is anything but irrelevant. I’d like to know how ugly this is really getting. This isn’t Obama vs McCain anymore.

An example I previously said - if the election really was stolen by the democrats, I would absolutely not vote for Biden.

Back at you.
No candidate is perfect, no human is perfect, and none of us are perfect either.
I'm not.
Some people here think they are...
These are long time conservative Republicans and an eminent Princeton cum laude psychologist and Johns Hopkins professor. I know those on the Trump bandwagon will dismiss this out of hand and not give this discussion a fair hearing, but the true will out. Mark my words.

More 51 intel experts?

Trump took a cognitive test that Biden refuses to take.

If you claim you don't recognize that Trump is far sharper than Biden either you yourself are severely cognitively deteriorated or you're lying. Or both.
Flash forward to 2020 and the election fraud claims along with the fake electors plan, which if really was a planned lie by Trump, I believe to be the worst thing Trump has done as potus. If Trump lied, it was an attack on our democratic system; an attempt to overthrow. Meets the definition of treason.
Not sure I'm buying that as treason. If he had formulated a plan with military leaders maybe. I also don't think J6 meets the criteria for "insurrection". Misguided idiots having a riot and getting lucky entering the building. (I'm also not buying the FBI agitator bit either.) Why there was no armed response is beyond me. Tear gas and rubber bullets before the doors were breached would have been justified and reasonable counter measures.
Not sure I'm buying that as treason. If he had formulated a plan with military leaders maybe. I also don't think J6 meets the criteria for "insurrection". Misguided idiots having a riot and getting lucky entering the building. (I'm also not buying the FBI agitator bit either.) Why there was no armed response is beyond me. Tear gas and rubber bullets before the doors were breached would have been justified and reasonable counter measures.
It wasn’t the storming of the capitol (if not an insurrection then call it a protest for now), it’s the fake elector plot. That was the attempt to change the outcome of the election. “Overthrowing” a government implies violence, but a fraud scheme can achieve the same result. Incidentally, if there was voter fraud by the dems I’d hold the architects of that plan to the same charges.

(The protest happened as a result of being told the election was stolen, so if it was an orchestrated lie - then the events of that day still fall on Trump. Showing up with zip ties and weapons is more than a protest, but only a few there went that far.)
Hm, you going with looking down on your fellow citizens, they're just too dumb to understand how well off they are? Help me out with some facts here, what does the below graph mean?

It means that there was a global pandemic that affected not only the US economy but economies all over the world adversely. But you knew that. You're just a liar.
More 51 intel experts?

Trump took a cognitive test that Biden refuses to take.

If you claim you don't recognize that Trump is far sharper than Biden either you yourself are severely cognitively deteriorated or you're lying. Or both.
Trump shows signs of dementia, Biden shows signs of normal aging. Trump confused Obama with Biden multiple times and confused Haley with Pelosi repeatedly, just for starters. Give me examples of Biden doing that - go ahead I’m waiting.

But the problem is much worse than just dementia, Trump is a dangerous malignant narcissistic sociopath. Don’t just take my word for it, listen to those who know him and worked with him. Here are just a quick few examples below, there are many more! Please find me just one comparable example for Biden. Just one.

AG Bill Barr: “he is a consummate narcissist. And he constantly engages in reckless conduct. … He’s a very petty individual who will always put his interests ahead of the country’s. … But our country can’t, you know, can’t be a therapy session for, you know, a troubled man like this.”

Defense Secretary Mike Esper: “He wanted to deploy active-duty troops on the street of Washington, D.C., and suggested actually that we shoot Americans in the street. That’s kind of more of what you’ll see.” Esper further cautioned that Trump is not “fit for office because he puts himself first and I think anybody running for office should put the country first.”

Chief of Staff, General John Kelly: “A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.

“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”

You asked. I did the work and bought the receipts, so how about an intelligent response with references rather than the usual insults?
"You asked?

You talkin' to me? I asked you to trot out quotes from Republicans who otherwise have no credibility unless they serve your narrative? Absurd. But, hey, Mr I'll lay down my life for our precious democracy, let's just take your first guy, Bill Barr. I'll paraphrase, you can do the work and find the exact quote if you're interested. No doubt you are, Bill Barr, amirite. Barr recently said the real threat to our democracy comes not from Donald Trump, but from the (far) left. Said (voting for) a continuation of the current administration would be national suicide. You a big Bill Barr fan, are ya? The guy has credibility, his opinion matters to you? Imagine that, yeah, I don't think so.

lol @ receipts
"You asked?

You talkin' to me? I asked you to trot out quotes from Republicans who otherwise have no credibility unless they serve your narrative? Absurd. But, hey, Mr I'll lay down my life for our precious democracy, let's just take your first guy, Bill Barr. I'll paraphrase, you can do the work and find the exact quote if you're interested. No doubt you are, Bill Barr, amirite. Barr recently said the real threat to our democracy comes not from Donald Trump, but from the (far) left. Said (voting for) a continuation of the current administration would be national suicide. You a big Bill Barr fan, are ya? The guy has credibility, his opinion matters to you? Imagine that, yeah, I don't think so.

lol @ receipts
Yep, as I predicted. No answer to my questions, no citations regarding Biden’s alleged mental problems, no refutations of the references provided, no cogent arguments, no nothing. Continued willful ignorance and denial: hallmarks of a cultist.
Yep, as I predicted. No answer to my questions, no citations regarding Biden’s alleged mental problems, no refutations of the references provided, no cogent arguments, no nothing. Continued willful ignorance and denial: hallmarks of a cultist.

Questions? What questions? No, it's your desire to set a narrative and I play along. A distraction from Biden's "signs of normal aging". Signs that are quite apparent to everyone, those who are eligible to vote in the upcoming election. No doubt that concerns you, you patriot you who would lay down your life to save our precious democracy.

You like questions, so, riddle me this...You cited Bill Barr as a credible source. Barr recently said the real threat to this country, our precious democracy, comes not from Donald Trump but from the left. Said a continuation of the Biden administration would be national suicide. Given these statements from Barr, who you brought into the conversation as a credible source, are you going to vote for the destruction of this nation, or no?
Questions? What questions? No, it's your desire to set a narrative and I play along. A distraction from Biden's "signs of normal aging". Signs that are quite apparent to everyone, those who are eligible to vote in the upcoming election. No doubt that concerns you, you patriot you who would lay down your life to save our precious democracy.

You like questions, so, riddle me this...You cited Bill Barr as a credible source. Barr recently said the real threat to this country, our precious democracy, comes not from Donald Trump but from the left. Said a continuation of the Biden administration would be national suicide. Given these statements from Barr, who you brought into the conversation as a credible source, are you going to vote for the destruction of this nation, or no?
I’m still waiting for you to answer my questions first. Since you seem to be confused, my questions can be identified in my original post by finding the sentences that end with a “?”. It’s not complicated.