Trump on Trial!

Exactly and why I try to stick to facts and not opinion, subjective links or opinionated rhetoric. Now if I was to get into shit-slinging against a Biden to Trump h8rs, that is so easy but just feeds the personal opinion shitshow.

That said, maybe I ya time a Biden bash thread to throw out fun hearsay and hatred. I think it may be time
By certain accounts there was approximately one million people in DC that day.

If the intention was indeed to stage an insurrection, the security forces on hand wouldn’t have been able to stop that many people from taking over the Capitol.

Get some knuckleheads, get some instigators, get the hardcore crowd all riled up, point some cameras at them and put some media spin on it and bam! instant recipe for insurrection.
An appropriate response from someone who appears to have little or no higher functioning/governing cerebral activity. MAGAts think with their amygdala’s.
Nice instruments! :guitar: 8-)

Fair to mid spectrum issues that are presented by your inability to speak with others that think otherwise. Just an opinion from outside...

You maybe should look into what causes you to respond with hate/judgment as a direct response to an opposing thought.. It just feels like you cannot listen to anyone who thinks different from yourself maybe?

Not only is that a typical type of response for an individual that lacks a sense of reason, it is also a sign of you being an asshole.

Is your name Mark?

How is that working for you?
Why would the FBI or CIA want to instigate/initiate/support an insurrection? Why?
Why would an organization like that want to have law enforcement officers be beaten, threatened, maced, and assaulted resulting in hundreds of injuries and death?
Why would those organizations want someone to die?
I invite you to read back about six or seven pages where he called me obstinate and a moron among other things. Now he accuses me of having an alias here. I don’t dislike him because we don’t agree, I dislike him because of the way he chooses to communicate. You’ve glossed over all of that and jumped to some conclusions here. I often don’t agree with RFR, Lou, seeker, etc, but I assume I’d like them as people IRL and show them respect. So with all due respect to you, you’re way off base here.
Assuming you mean that Trump will win, right?
What signs?

Well we can start with the politicizing of justice, ain't looking good so far keeping Trump off the ticket. So far. Get a bunch of Buddha bananas on the jury who knows. We'll see. Though the effort, it only seems to backfire. Momentum, Trump has it, increasing distance from the incumbent....if polls are to be believed. Hell more and more people have seen what Biden and the Democrats have to offer, more and more people just want him out. Change. Of the two, folks have first hand life experience to make a choice. "Democracy" in action. Biden, folks don't want more of the same, why would they. Democrats, Biden, you guys, all you have is the hate vote. Not just for Trump, but for anyone with an open mind. and rational self interest. MAGA? Nah, just normal folks....normal folks you and the likes of Buddha banana ridicule and despise for exercising their right as an American citizen to cast a vote for the preferred candidate. It's almost as if possible folks would be denied that right if Buddha banana had his way. I mean, he says he's not going to sit by and allow Trump to win. Sounds a tad insurrectiony, anti democracy, anti American. No new news, Democrats are arguably the anti American party.
Why would the FBI or CIA want to instigate/initiate/support an insurrection? Why?
Why would an organization like that want to have law enforcement officers be beaten, threatened, maced, and assaulted resulting in hundreds of injuries and death?
Why would those organizations want someone to die?
Think about that for yourself? When in control who does that?

Who would? Just think...
Well we can start with the politicizing of justice, ain't looking good so far keeping Trump off the ticket. So far. Get a bunch of Buddha bananas on the jury who knows. We'll see. Though the effort, it only seems to backfire. Momentum, Trump has it, increasing distance from the incumbent....if polls are to be believed. Hell more and more people have seen what Biden and the Democrats have to offer, more and more people just want him out. Change. Of the two, folks have first hand life experience to make a choice. "Democracy" in action. Biden, folks don't want more of the same, why would they. Democrats, Biden, you guys, all you have is the hate vote. Not just for Trump, but for anyone with an open mind. and rational self interest. MAGA? Nah, just normal folks....normal folks you and the likes of Buddha banana ridicule and despise for exercising their right as an American citizen to cast a vote for the preferred candidate. It's almost as if possible folks would be denied that right if Buddha banana had his way. I mean, he says he's not going to sit by and allow Trump to win. Sounds a tad insurrectiony, anti democracy, anti American. No new news, Democrats are arguably the anti American party.
What do you see as Democrats being anti American? Specifically...
What do you see as Democrats being anti American? Specifically...
Ironically, I must laugh out loud that you would even ask that given the bullshit that is going on right now.

See, it's a strange and weird hate thing you dems try to pull off as fair to you, when you are actually fucking the rights of others you claim to defend.

It's like a cheating husband blaming the wife for the indiscretion he is doing himself.

It really disgusting to me...
Because you can't read your own text that I responded to?

You are a mess Dave.
You tend to miss the fact what you suggest as a question, is only a subjective opinion that you think is fact.

One day I hope you will wake up. You are not a dumbass by any means, but you come across as a fool because you limit yourself constantly to a one sided agenda.

Fair enough that I may seem that way to you, but for the fuck sake, open your eyes and quit arguing the hateful bullshit you are stuck in defending...
Ironically, I must laugh out loud that you would even ask that given the bullshit that is going on right now.

See, it's a strange and weird hate thing you dems try to pull off as fair to you, when you are actually fucking the rights of others you claim to defend.

It's like a cheating husband blaming the wife for the indiscretion he is doing himself.

It really disgusting to me...
I am not a Dem. Wake up.
You tend to miss the fact what you suggest as a question, is only a subjective opinion that you think is fact.

One day I hope you will wake up. You are not a dumbass by any means, but you come across as a fool because you limit yourself constantly to a one sided agenda.

Fair enough that I may seem that way to you, but for the fuck sake, open your eyes and quit arguing the hateful bullshit you are stuck in defending...
Was it you or not that insinuated that a 3 letter organization supported/instigated?
I apologize if I got it wrong.
What do you see as Democrats being anti American? Specifically...

Well, lots of things. I won't waste time on an extensive list, but as one example the "peaceful protests". Democrats support that shit. Beating/attacking people, burning shit, assaulting law enforcement. I mean, you've asked the question, why would Democrats allow that? Why would Democrats make it a lesser charge for assaulting law enforcement? And the flag, for Democrats it's provocation. The American flag replaced by the Hamas flag representing terrorism, murder, mutilation, rape, and civilian hostage taking, to include American citizens. That's not peaceful protests, that's treason. Biden supports the so called right to treason, he's said so. The educated and enlightened faculty, the likes of which Buddha banana holds as an example we should all follow defends and supports that shit.

Didn't intend to type that much, you get the idea. There is a pattern, an anti American pattern. Many examples to numerous to mention during the Obama administration. Anti fucking America, that is in part what the Democrats demonstrate.
Ironically, I must laugh out loud that you would even ask that given the bullshit that is going on right now.

See, it's a strange and weird hate thing you dems try to pull off as fair to you, when you are actually fucking the rights of others you claim to defend.

It's like a cheating husband blaming the wife for the indiscretion he is doing himself.

It really disgusting to me...

Still can’t see Dud’s post you respond to but already know what they say….blah blah blah blah blah blah I’m desperate for attention and get it by trolling blah blah blah blah blah please like me because I’m desperate blah blah blah blah I’m a chav and wish I wasn’t so blah blah blah blah

Trust me, Dave matthews (nosedud) is a loser chav and not even an an American voter though tries to act as one. Dud, we dumped your tea overboard several hundred years ago then declared our independence as a sovereign nation. Get over it already. You can’t vote here so quit pretending you can. And why are you so concerned about the Presidential ticket this Fall…so you have a twisted fantasy that if Kamala Harris wins the US will fall back under UK authority? We won the wars and became the most powerful nation on the planet. Get over it already and be more focused on your own parliamentary elections trolling chav boi