Trump on Trial!

I'm guessing many people on here are not unionized musicians, but it's crazy how liberal the AFM is. One of their last magazine issues had an editorial I believe? that was making openly political statements not even related to their bargains / union activism etc.

On the whole I think musicians (i.e. music-playing people) are not necessarily far from the national ratios of liberal/conservative, however when it comes to mainstream music (rock/pop stars etc) who rely on the legacy media -- very much like movie stars -- they find themselves in a position where they have to compromise to squeeze into the Ellen Show.
DoGoober must be a REAL Pro! :geek:
brassplyer said:
You hilariously accuse Trump of being a con man and in the same breath you spout utter nonsense straight off the official Demleftist script.
Wow! What a rube. You respond with no attempt at an argument, no refutation of the facts, nothing but indignation and accusations of “script following”. What you miss is that I’m not a member of a sick personality cult and I think for myself. This has nothing to do with left vs. right, it has to do with the rule of law, democracy and truth vs. criminality, authoritarianism and lies. Should you ever manage to break away from Traitor Trump’s sick personality cult, reality and decency will always be here waiting for you. Good luck MAGAt.
Lol - you ignore that no one has been charged with insurrection, Trump told no one to stage an insurrection. He encouraged people to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard. At no time did he tell anyone to act like a bunch of idiots and trespass inside the Capitol building.

By claiming otherwise you demonstrate you don't care about facts. You display a deliberate blind eye related to Joedaughtershowers. As stated you spout nonsense off the Dem script.
….are musicians predominantly liberal?
Yes indeed - musicians as well as actors, artists, scientists, scholars & academicians. In short, educated people with critical thinking skills are overwhelmingly liberal. In fact, ignorance and lack of critical thinking skills (as well as lower intelligence in many cases) are usually pre requisite for being a conservative and an absolute must for being a MAGAt (with the exception of the many con artists simply grifting the clueless rubes of their money selling bible or whatever). The truth hurts! That’s why you will continue to avoid it at all cost and respond with your knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, pathetic miasma of 3rd-grade crudity and reflexive, brain-dead diatribes, just like your disgusting, orange cult leader.
Lol - you ignore that no one has been charged with insurrection, Trump told no one to stage an insurrection. He encouraged people to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard. At no time did he tell anyone to act like a bunch of idiots and trespass inside the Capitol building.

By claiming otherwise you demonstrate you don't care about facts. You display a deliberate blind eye related to Joedaughtershowers. As stated you spout nonsense off the Dem script.
That's not to mention all the "men in black" who actually directed traffic and kicked in the doors...

Why aren't more people talking about the utter failure of security to defend the most well protected piece of real estate in the world that day?

I miss Tucker Carlson :(
Lol - you ignore that no one has been charged with insurrection, Trump told no one to stage an insurrection. He encouraged people to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard. At no time did he tell anyone to act like a bunch of idiots and trespass inside the Capitol building.

By claiming otherwise you demonstrate you don't care about facts. You display a deliberate blind eye related to Joedaughtershowers. As stated you spout nonsense off the Dem script.
What a perfect example of the denial of reality and willful ignorance. January 6th was planned and led by Trump who summoned the MAGAt scum (“Will be wild”) told Proud Boys to stand by, directed them to the capitol to “fight like hell” and then sat by himself like the fat orange cowardly slob he is doing nothing but watching the violence on TV for three hours while Ivanka and everyone else around him begged him to call for the mob to stop and go home.

You are truly down the rabbit hole and inhabiting your own reality like a good little cult member. Now go right ahead and accuse me of everything of which you’re guilty. That’s par for the course for you drooling, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, pig-ignorant, delusional, weak-minded human detritus.
Yes indeed - musicians as well as actors, artists, scientists, scholars & academicians. In short, educated people with critical thinking skills are overwhelmingly liberal. In fact, ignorance and lack of critical thinking skills (as well as lower intelligence in many cases) are usually pre requisite for being a conservative and an absolute must for being a MAGAt (with the exception of the many con artists simply grifting the clueless rubes of their money selling bible or whatever). The truth hurts! That’s why you will continue to avoid it at all cost and respond with your knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, pathetic miasma of 3rd-grade crudity and reflexive, brain-dead diatribes, just like your disgusting, orange cult leader.
That's not to mention all the "men in black" who actually directed traffic and kicked in the doors...

Why aren't more people talking about the utter failure of security to defend the most well protected piece of real estate in the world that day?

I miss Tucker Carlson :(
Yikes! Dogooder is right. You’re sick. Seek help.
You are truly down the rabbit hole and inhabiting your own reality like a good little cult member. Now go right ahead and accuse me of everything of which you’re guilty. That’s par for the course for you drooling, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, pig-ignorant, delusional, weak-minded human detritus.
Purple haired communist cock-gobbling queer!
What a perfect example of the denial of reality and willful ignorance. January 6th was planned and led by Trump who summoned the MAGAt scum (“Will be wild”) told Proud Boys to stand by, directed them to the capitol to “fight like hell” and then sat by himself like the fat orange cowardly slob he is doing nothing but watching the violence on TV for three hours while Ivanka and everyone else around him begged him to call for the mob to stop and go home.
Show us the evidence which even the CIA hasn't got. Come on!
Show us the evidence which even the CIA hasn't got. Come on!
I don’t believe for a second that you’re sincere, but just in case you can start here:

There’s much, much more but you cultists are far too intellectually lazy and lack the basic honesty and critical thinking skills required to evaluate the veracity of the information being presented. That would take time and work. I’m sure you’d rather sling more insults or mindlessly parrot the usual conspiracy theories like the typical Traitor Trump cultist.
I don’t believe for a second that you’re sincere, but just in case you can start here:

There’s much, much more but you cultists are far too intellectually lazy and lack the basic honesty and critical thinking skills required to evaluate the veracity of the information being presented. That would take time and work. I’m sure you’d rather sling more insults or mindlessly parrot the usual conspiracy theories like the typical Traitor Trump cultist.
A couple of hours later, I doubt he remembers even saying/reading it.
It's really not all that important to release the audio of the Hur interview with Biden. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC etc would NEVER broadcast the audio. Even FOX and NEWSMAX would probably choose not to broadcast the audio out of sheer respect for the office.

It doesn't matter, though. Executive Privilege has already been enacted (no surprise there).

I give props to Joe for at least being honest enough to say that he has 'learned' to listen to AOC. That comment, alone, should frighten the hell out of even the hardest of hard core Democrats, and every American.

Whatever combination of meds THEY are injecting him with is clearly not effectively working to his benefit as a human being and an old man whom is clearly demonstrating telltale indicators of dementia or worse.

THEY are certainly are a nasty bunch there in The White House propping up Old Joe like that daily (for a couple of hours) in their effort to remain in power.

If Dr. Jill truly loves Old Joe she should put an end to it. She and Old Joe could go sit on the beach every afternoon, monitor their offshore bank accounts, and live happily ever after.
I don’t believe for a second that you’re sincere, but just in case you can start here:
This is also important as it was adjudicated in court:

Trump was disqualified for insurrection in the only three states that heard evidence

Of course, I realize you will not read, consider and evaluate this material. In my experience MAGAt knuckle-draggers don’t read books or anything else requiring a developed, adult intellect. I provide it as a reference to actual American patriots and intellectual adults.
What you have responded with is the genetic fallacy (also known as the fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtue) is a fallacy of irrelevance in which arguments or information are dismissed or validated based solely on their source of origin rather than their content.

I can’t teach you logic and critical thinking, you’re a lowlife. However, others may be interested. Why don’t you stop embarrassing yourself? You’re really looking like a complete moron.
If Dr. Jill truly loves Old Joe she should put an end to it. She and Old Joe could go sit on the beach every afternoon, monitor their offshore bank accounts, and live happily ever after.
You're kidding, right?
Dr "feelgood" Jill is ol' Joe and son's source ;)
What you have responded with is the genetic fallacy (also known as the fallacy of origins or fallacy of virtue) is a fallacy of irrelevance in which arguments or information are dismissed or validated based solely on their source of origin rather than their content.

I can’t teach you logic and critical thinking, you’re a lowlife. However, others may be interested. Why don’t you stop embarrassing yourself? You’re really looking like a complete moron.
I believe in talking snakes8-)