Trump on Trial!

I used to hang with strippers back in the band days so I’ve been with/seen plenty fake tits. Some of them are really convincing. The stupid girls who want the doc to ‘staple them to their chins’ are the easiest to spot.

Well those and bulemic girls that want D cups
That's a good piece.
Sounds like something Trump might have said about her before Cohen confessed to Trump that he (Cohen) wrote her a check (unbeknownst by Trump) to end her extortion effort. Then again, $130,000 is a really weird dollar amount in the context of all this nonsense. Cohen probably negotiated her down by 90% of her original asking price point.

Who knows what the real truth is.
I used to hang with strippers back in the band days so I’ve been with/seen plenty fake tits. Some of them are really convincing. The stupid girls who want the doc to ‘staple them to their chins’ are the easiest to spot.

Well those and bulemic girls that want D cups
Me and my drummer autographed some strippers butts once. Memorable.
Sounds like something Trump might have said about her before Cohen confessed to Trump that he (Cohen) wrote her a check (unbeknownst by Trump) to end her extortion effort. Then again, $130,000 is a really weird dollar amount in the context of all this nonsense. Cohen probably negotiated her down by 90% of her original asking price point.

Who knows what the real truth is.
At the time, he was the president-elect, and a pretty major celebrity. I have to wonder how someone could get close enough to him to create a plausible enough story that would allow for extortion to actually take place - plausible enough that he would actually pay it anyway.

Admittedly, I don’t have proof, but hush money is more plausible than extortion. Just sayin.
I do wonder if RFK intends to join in to make it a 3-way. I like some of his ideas but there’s a Hell of a mess that someone will inherit after Nov 5 and just not sure he would be up for the challenge.
Nonetheless, fair is fair and if the man has enough support, let him be heard
Biden will be on the same elixirs they gave him at State of the Union which seemed to work until the very end when the effects were wearing off.

I have a little more respect that he is manning up, though.
The protestors you are accusing are literally protesting war, and the George Floyd riots protested police brutality and racism. Young people are often idealistic / unrealistic, but you are assigning an evil motive to something that is not born from an evil motive.
Maybe some were protesting the false notion of a large-scale campaign of police targeting blacks for no other reason than racism because they don't want to acknowledge the behavioral reasons as to *why* blacks are often the subject of police attention. I have no doubt many/most are protesting out of an invalid sense of victimhood and/or anti-Americanism or even simply for the hell of it.

I'm sorry it happened but George Floyd isn't dead because of racism or at least not the kind of racism you're talking about, he's dead because of a lifetime of being a fuckup. What happened to him was completely preventable by him. He could have not taken drugs, he could have not been stumbling around high trying to pass off counterfeit money, he could have not resisted arrest. By all rights he should have been shot dead when he committed a home invasion some years back - every day he lived after that was a day he could have changed his ways and didn't. He made videos about the importance of living right....between stints in prison. He was mouthing words he had no interest in living up to. He'd had it made clear to him for years by the police and the courts that he wasn't living the right way.

I'm no cheerleader for police but it's murky whether police brutality played any role - my last awareness was that a medical expert said he didn't die from Chauvin's knee but because of the lethal level of drugs in his system. If his frantic resisting arrest overstressed his already poisoned cardiovascular system that's not on the police.

If there was racism involved it's the leftist-embraced racism of low expectations and perpetual excuses for the kind of behavior GF displayed all his life.

Hurting democracy by perpetuating a false narrative about stolen elections and ending our history of peaceful transfer of power.
What's your theory as to how non compos mentis nursing home zombies requested a ballot and voted of their own volition.

I realize you're never going to admit that you don't care whether the election was stolen, cuz Orange Hitler 'n stuff.
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Maybe some were protesting the false notion of a large-scale campaign of police targeting blacks for no other reason than racism because they don't want to acknowledge the behavioral reasons as to *why* blacks are often the subject of police attention. I have no doubt many/most are protesting out of an invalid sense of victimhood and/or anti-Americanism or even simply for the hell of it.
Even if Floyd was a terrible person and a criminal, it can still be true that we have some police issues in this country. Holding him up as the poster child might not be the best idea, but things just happen like that. It would be wrong to use that ignore making things better.
I'm sorry it happened but George Floyd isn't dead because of racism or at least not the kind of racism you're talking about, he's dead because of a lifetime of being a fuckup. What happened to him was completely preventable by him. He could have not taken drugs, he could have not been stumbling around high trying to pass off counterfeit money, he could have not resisted arrest. By all rights he should have been shot dead when he committed a home invasion some years back - every day he lived after that was a day he could have changed his ways and didn't. He made videos about the importance of living right....between stints in prison. He was mouthing words he had no interest in living up to. He'd had it made clear to him for years by the police and the courts that he wasn't living the right way.

I'm no cheerleader for police but it's murky whether police brutality played any role - my last awareness was that a medical expert said he didn't die from Chauvin's knee but because of the lethal level of drugs in his system. If his frantic resisting arrest overstressed his already poisoned cardiovascular system that's not on the police.

If there was racism involved it's the leftist-embraced racism of low expectations and perpetual excuses for the kind of behavior GF displayed all his life.

What's your theory as to how non compos mentis nursing home zombies requested a ballot and voted of their own volition.

I realize you're never going to admit that you don't care whether the election was stolen, cuz Orange Hitler 'n stuff.
I’m not to engage in anymore hostility, name calling etc. We can disagree and be civil about it, or not engage.
I used to hang with strippers back in the band days so I’ve been with/seen plenty fake tits. Some of them are really convincing. The stupid girls who want the doc to ‘staple them to their chins’ are the easiest to spot.

Well those and bulemic girls that want D cups
Hey girls from Bulimia are people too - you shouldn't discriminate based on nationality.
Even if Floyd was a terrible person and a criminal, it can still be true that we have some police issues in this country. Holding him up as the poster child might not be the best idea, but things just happen like that. It would be wrong to use that ignore making things better.

I’m not to engage in anymore hostility, name calling etc. We can disagree and be civil about it, or not engage.
And that’s the way it should be but not always easy when things get heated. *respect* to you. I still want to hear the Geddy and leddy story that you said was kind of similar to your moniker but not really. Do tell

My user name started at Harmony Central before I found this place and I love Terry Goodkind and his Seeker of Truth series. Seeker of Truth was already taken so, being the rocker I am, I chose Seeker of Rock and use it for all of my online sites…Marshall forum, LP forum(s), the gear page, gearslutz (now gearsound iirc). It stuck and is a better Rep of me in retrospect anyway