True Lo-Fi?


New member
This is my band, Someday Mission, in which I play bass. I only called this is lo-fi because it was recorded from the mixer at a club called "the Capitol" in Omaha that has since closed down. The quality is definately lo-fi, though not on purpose.Heheh

I would really appreciate any ideas on squeezing as much quality as possible out of this. I already eq'd some major hiss out, but I don't know enough about mastering to even know if it can be rescued further. Any Help would be appreciated.


Bands Website:
Hi Sonny,
Cool tune...
as far as is it tracked?
I you have different tracks for each of the instruments and vox?
If not, I don't think there is much advice I can give you...
I don't know that much anyways so no great loss there...
Take it easy,
no tracks, just one stereo file. Recorded Live onto a DAT, then xfer to tape. The original DAT is MIA, the sound man who recorded it probably still has it, in Arizona or somewhere. I know it will never sound like it was done in a studio, I really just need guidance on what processes to use to clean it up as much as possible. I mainly use SF Sound Forge 5 for this kinda stuff.:confused: