trouble saving a Cakewalk file to CD


New member
Here is the situation. A friend of mine is using Cakewalk Pro Audio 8 to record with and when he trys to burn a Cakewalk .wrk file to disk it seems to work alright till he puts the disk in and trys to bring up the file at a later date. Cakewalk comes up and then it utlamately says something like "audio not found... replacing with silence" and then I we see blue without the balck data wave where the audio should be and we don't hear any sound when the song is played.

I personally have Pro Audio 9 now, but have used 8 in the past and burned .wrk files to disk and had no problem bringing the files and audio contained within them up on other peoples computers.

If you have any idea on how to resolve this problem your input is greatly appreciated.
Thanx once again,
Not sure exactly what you mean by burn but I save cakewalk files to my cdrw by using the .bun format. If I try to save .wrk files all that ends up on the cdrw is the midi information. The audio files remain in the .wav data folder on my system hard drive. Try .bun.
President Kennedy has it right. You need to save as .bun files rather than .wrk files. .wrk files do not save the audio data, which are saved seperately as .wav files in your wave directory. Saving as .bun saves everything associated with the project.

Select "Save As" from the File menu and in the pop-up window where it says "Save As Type" click the pull down menu and select "Cakewalk Bundle", this will fix your problem.
Ok, first off I would like to say thanx for the help those of you gave me in the pervious posts, but now me and my friend are strickin with a new problem. After saving the bun files to disk and bringing them up again in Cakewalk the audio is almost nonexistant, at full volume you can just barely make out the song. We have already made sure the sound card is working properly, but are out of ideas on how to trouble shoot the problem. Any assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Also if this makes any difference, when saving as a bun file, a screen came that said something to the effect of compacting audio data.

Thanx again,
try a different song.....try normalizing the audio tracks to make sure your rec levels are good....try copying tracks to new .wrk file and try to repeat the problem with the .bun..... try saving the .bun in cake and dragging and dropping into cdr...if all else fails contact cake tech support....finally find the individual files in the .wav directory and individually dragging onto cdr...I have never had this particular problem but have has some issues with with uploading .bun files....give your system some time often gets better with new apps after they have been on the system a while.....hang in there.....set aside an area of your studio for a bll gates shrine..pray often and throw money at it.....
The files should come back exactly the way they went on.

How do the waves look? Do they appear the same as before you saved the .bun file?

If the waves appear the same, I would venture to guess it's some setting. Check your output settings for each channel (look at the bottom of each track in Console view) and also check your master fader. If you changed any settings between saving and restoring the file they will not necessarily reset when you load the .bun file. Also, if you closed and reopened Cakewalk, you will go back to your default settings.
Likewise I always save to .BUN on CDR. When it says it is compressing the file that is normal - a .BUN is a big fat single mono file composed of all your individual parts, which Cakewalk then breaks apart when you reload it.

One thing I not clear on from your post - are you saving the .BUN file on your system, then reloading it on YOUR system and playing it back? If that works right, but it plays back funny on another computer, then the problem is probably with hardware on whatever other system you are moving it to.