Trition Studio or Fantom X??


New member
i'm deciding to get a workstation for myself... choosing between Triton Studio or Fantom? IYO which one would be a better keyboard...pls specify as well :)
Well first of all if your gonna compare, It shud be Fantom X or Triton Extreme. the triton extreme has all thes same sequencing power and sampling (the old 96 SIMM max sampling) but alot more ROM all the optional PCM cards are inthe Extreme. So all your missing is a Harddrive and a CDROM Burner- but u can use a computer for that!!
If its between the Triton Extreme and Fantom X:
The sounds will have to be to you, To me Pianos are the best on the market on the Fantom X, Pads strings all that is better on the FX, Now some sounds are better on Triton and some arent its all Opinion So chec kthem out urself
Now as for sequencing, they are very comparative other than that the triton is only 200,000 notes and 296 PPQ whereas Fantom X is 400000 and 480 PPQ.
The cool thing about the extreme is the Arpieggio . There are two running at the same time in the Combi mode, Dual Arps. Which is cool, But the Fantom X's arp is tottaly programmable, Everynote you put into it can have different velocities. Very Cool
Sampling is way better onthe Fantom X- its a little more complicated but much better
look at the Specs,
Korg MAX at 96 MB SIMM Ram
and Fantom X 544 MB DIMM RAM. up to an hour on the Fantom X and up to 15 mins on the Korg,
The one good thing bout korgs is that it has In Track Sampling where as if your going to record vocals and guitars u have to use the pads and when sequencing trigger them when you wnat that part to come in.
Now another good hting about the Fantom X is that it has the Pads and a COlor screen, much easier to use
Also Effects system are both very comparative. And i think they both have routing.
So I wud choose the Fantom X by far. But some of the sounds u might really want on the korg so check it oit.