Triggers and Steve Slate Drums


New member
Hey Everyone, I'm going to lay out what I'd like to do and if someone could tell me if I'm on the right path that would be great!

Using Logic Express 9, I want to trigger my drums, use the "Drum Replacement/Doubling" feature on the all the triggered tracks and import Steve Slate Drum samples for snare, kick, toms.

Is this possible? I've been using the the Logic Express samples (EXS24, I think it's called) when replacing/doubling and modifying them to fit the mix but if I can get higher quality samples to import then I'd be willing to invest in Steve Slate Drums (or any other drum sampling software).

Also, how "friendly" are these Drum sample softwares with Logic? For reference I'm using a TASCAM US-1641, and a Macbook Pro.

Thanks, peace!
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Yeah, that should work, although I'm not sure how difficult it is to deal with the trickier bits using the EXS24 (I see that SS is selling a trigger plugin that you may be interested in). It should not be terribly difficult either: it's a good idea to read the Logic manual, search the web a bit and, if they provide one, try a SSD demo. There are a few other quality sample libraries out there, so you may want to look into those while you're at it.

(Disclaimer: not familiar with SSD and I bang away at a keyboard.)
Thanks for the reply. Triggering and adding in samples all sounds perfect in my head, I was hoping someone was doing a similar recording method and would chime in saying "Yeah, your idea is great, right on!"

I'm trying this method out because the last band I recorded wanted to do everything live, not a huge deal but I explained that the quality of sound would be degraded, particularly the drums. Like I figured, there was alot of low end build up that I needed to control during mixdown. My theory is that if I triggered the drums and had the guitars/bass line in, they could build their own amps using the amp simulator, and where headphones to hear the tracks. With this method I should have control over the room (with the exception of the drum overheads, but a high pass filter should take care of that).

I'm working through it, if anyone else has experience using triggers, Logic, and adding drum samples I'd like to hear it. Peace.

I theori
I was hoping someone was doing a similar recording method and would chime in saying "Yeah, your idea is great, right on!"

There are plenty of people doing that, that's what you can search for. Check out Dave DeWhitt's "Moving On" in the Mp3 clinic, for instance.
Resurrecting the old thread here, but I've just started doing this technique - works great for snare and kick and rack toms, but I can't for the LIFE OF ME get my floor tom to trigger!!! I've checked the MIDI note on the Instrument & SSD, they match, but the F.T. just won't trigger. I ended up taking Quick Tom 3 and tuning it down - but it worked then! haha. This is a nifty/handy trick with Logic, though, and completely eliminates the need to spend $300 on S.S.'s Trigger program. Woo hoo for Logic!
I've experimented with triggering, but am not a fan, unless the snare or kick call for an additional element to compliment the music. One way to trigger a drum more effectively is to duplicate the channel and then put a noise gate on it. That will filter out all the other gunk and make the trigger work more effectively. Having the triggers on separate channels makes it easier to adjust the volume of them as well, so you can sit them underneath the live drum sound.