Tricking Software


New member
I have both Pro Tools LE 6.4 and Logic Express. My interface is an 002, and I have an M-Audio Keystation 49e controller. I would like to try to make Logic and PT work together. I realize that PT and Logic will have nothing to do with each other if they're using the same audio interface. So PT is obviously using the 002 and Logic is running off my G5's core audio. The line out on the G5 is sending the Logic audio to the 002 via line ins. Now, the part I found difficult was getting either PT or Logic to see MMC or MIDI Clock which was being sent out of the keyboard controller by Logic into the 002 for PT to see. This doesn't work, this is the brick wall I've hit. I guess my question is, is it possible? Or is this a just a pipe dream? I just thought it would be cool if I could get it to work.
what have you tried in PT already??

and why are you doing it this way? just for fun? it would be much easier and more beneficial to just bounce your tracks in logic down as individual audio tracks and then import them into PT.
I've sent midi clock and machine control to PT, but I don't think it's seeing. Is there a a check box I'm missing in the set up menu? Yeah, just for fun. I havn't had the time to fully understand Logic, and I really like their VSTs.