Treating my small studio room


New member
I know I just posted about this yesterday, but I didn't get anything back (usually you guys are quick to reply, so maybe it was TL;DR) and also I realized that my original question is a little moot because there's really only one way to arrange the room if I want the drum kit in there, so now I need some help in how to treat the room.

I am moving into a new house this weekend and have a dedicated "studio room", but it will also be a general musicians hang-out and jam space. It's a pretty small room, on the second floor of a South Philadelphia row home, so I will have some problems to overcome as far as space and treating go.

Here are the measurements of the room:

And here's how I realized I pretty much have to set the room up if I want the drums in there:

The wall with the windows/couch is exposed brick, and there are hardwood floors, although I have plenty of rugs. The ceiling is pretty standard, 8 or 9'. Now I have two main questions as far as treatment goes.

1) How can I best treat the room so that it's not totally obvious in my recordings? I've had problems in the past where the room is extremely audible in my recordings, and I'd like to reduce this here, especially on drums and vocals. I am hoping to run cables to other rooms for recording amps.

2) How can I treat the wall opposite my desk in order to reduce the negative effect of having the sounds travel short-ways? I know this isn't the best situation for mixing, so I'd like to fix it as much as possible short of moving the desk.

Also, any advice on soundproofing would be good, since this room is right above the dining room/kitchen and I'd love it if my wife didn't want to kill me whenever I'm playing music. If you want to see more details on the room, check out the old post. Thanks in advance!