Transitioning from computer-based recording to stand-alone multi-track -- need advice


New member

For various reasons, I have decided to move from my very novice PC-based recoding (Cool Edit Pro 2.0), to a stand-alone unit. First, with graduate school, etc. it is very difficult to keep my hard drive clear for recording, etc.

Also, I want a recorder that has the aesthetics I feel I have missed out on. IE: faders, three band eq, etc.

I know my desire for EQ knobs, etc. rules out many of the digital recorders, however I have considered the following (some analog, some digital). I want to try to buy something on Ebay for 350 or under, if possible.

Here are the units I have considered:

Yamaha MD8
Tascam 564
Tascam 246
Tascam 488 MkII

Also, are there any affordable 4 or 8 tracks that use 1/4" tape? Any other machines I should consider (of any format).

Anyhow, which of the above units would you experienced users recommend? How should I factor in the cost of the media needed, sound quality, the ability to mixdown to a WAV on a PC and retain quality, etc...


PS: I also posted this thread in the newbie section, just wanted to get some other perspectives in this forum.
Ill go with Seifer on this one.

Dont do it. Especially if your already used to computer recording. You will hate the transition.

Just buy a harddrive, portable if you need to. To store all the recorded files on.

fuck computers

i love my tascam 388; reels are about $15 (don't worry too much about the tape shortage), it's easy to use, the eq is very dynamic, and you can always bounce to your pc to do looping, add VST parts, and "mastering"
darnold said:
Ill go with Seifer on this one.

Dont do it. Especially if your already used to computer recording. You will hate the transition.

Just buy a harddrive, portable if you need to. To store all the recorded files on.


Yup, if you want faders get you a control surface! then you can control all nobs EQ's and what not.