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New member
Would anyone be willing to trade an audio interface for a brand new Behringer 1832 xyenx mixer. I paid close to 300 bucks for the mixer and found out i dont need it. Im looking to upgrade my audio interface. I have a fast track usb. It would be nice to have a fast track ultra!!!!!! hell even a fast track pro.
Hey man if your delta 1010 is the rack mountable one youve got yourself a trade!!!!!! I read a little more into it and that would be the shiz for the type of stuff im doing!!!!
It is the rack mount version....if you are interrested in trading, you must be willing to ship first because you are so new around here....I have a ton of trades, sales, and purchases around this board that I can show you plenty of references....I can have the Delta boxed and ready to go as soon as I recieve the Berhi...
ok thats understandable. I was wondering how we would go about that. I don't really want to get ripped off either. If this counts for anything I am a SGT in the Air Force at Ellsworth AFB South Dakota. That may not mean much to you if your not military oriented but if you are then you will know my word is good.

My email is

If you want you can send your address that way so its not posted on this forum.

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