tracks getting out of time???


New member
After I recorded a few songs when I went back to listen to them, they all got out of time. But tracks 1&2 are in time with each other, tracks 3&4 and so on. Is this a tell-tale sign of something that I can fix easily? I was looking in my delta1010 control panel on things that I could change, but they'd all afect every input. Why would everything get out of time, but everything recorded on the pairs on inputs on the 1010 still stay in time with each other? I also messed around a bunch with every playback bufer cool deit pro has and nothing has fixed the problem. When I just finished recording the songs the tracks we're not all out of time. And they don't stay steadily out of time either. They'll stay together for half the song then tracks 3&4 slow down or something like that. Please help me! :( :( :(
Doesn't make much sense. But you may be able to repair it. Try first highlighting the out of sync tracks and if you have a function for adjust to original position. If that doesn't work, you may cut the track with a scissor tool and move it in ticks until it lines up with the others.
But the thing is that, some tracks will stay in time for half the song, and then chang. So making changed like that will be impossible.

Is anyone using a delta1010 and CEP? What are all the different buffers in CEP set to?