Tracking gone to sh*t


New member
Okay, so me and my band (3 people, including me) have started recording some of our songs. We did the drums today (it took 2 tries or about 15 min) so i thought everything was honkey dorey, going smoothly ,Ha! We went to "track" the guitars in. well, 2 hours and 34 tracks later , yes 34 FUCKING tracks of guitar, it sounds like shit. I think my guitarist is a moron. What he wanted to do was do one track for EACH STRING of his guitar playing each part of his chords. So one track is just the 6th string, then another track is just the 5th string, so on and so forth. So now what we have is an echoey pile of shit, an effect i could have accomplished in 2 mins using some chorus and stuff. So, what the hell can I do, should i tell him he IS a moron or should i tell him he is a genius and then suck his malformed dick? Luckily, the soft im using only allows 48 audio tracks so we only have 8 left to work with (6 for drums and 34 for guitars- lopsided aint it?). Maybe im the moron and should have been like, yeah, lets do another 10 tracks! But, ive always noticed the complicated muddy sounding mess that goes along with layering guitars in. Anyway, just venting and sorta asking for opinions.
You're guitar player is a moron

I think he must have heard the story about Mutt Lang and recording each note on the guitar for the chords on choruses. I think I heard that once. Dang man. I thought this one time when this guy I knew did like 7 layers at once was ridiculous. I have been REALLY happy with two rhythm guitar tracks, record one, then play a duplicate of it and pan each right and left and an acoustic right and left. If there is any lead I might double that too. But, 37, that is just stupid! LOL. You sound like you are wearing the producer cap. LAY DOWN THE LAWS!
You're guitarist is an ass. He doesn't know sh1t from clay..
Trash what you've got and get him to do it properly
Holy shit! That's creativity gone to hell! Slap the guitar player in the head and scrap the tracks. You can still do 37 guitar tracks if that's what you want. But 37 FULL guitar tracks, not this shit!
Here's a thought: fire the guitarist and get a new one. Everybody plays guitar. Let him know that he can be easily replaced.
Teach him a lesson. Tell him he only gets to keep 2 of the tracks total and ask him which two strings he wants on the album. Tell him that you need the space for the vocal tracks because you want the singer to put each syllable on a seperate track. If he tells you that you are an idiot for wanting to do that explain to him how you learned the method from him:D
xstatic said:
Teach him a lesson. Tell him he only gets to keep 2 of the tracks total and ask him which two strings he wants on the album. Tell him that you need the space for the vocal tracks because you want the singer to put each syllable on a seperate track. If he tells you that you are an idiot for wanting to do that explain to him how you learned the method from him:D
LMAO!!!! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day! :cool: :D
or better yet,

tell him it sounds that way because he is a sloppy player. I mean, fuck. who CAN'T play the same shit exactly the same way 37 times? Tell him that he is not nearly good enough for the 37-track method, and should really concentrate on simplifying things.


when you do it over; dont delete the old tracks. save em. just start a new file. and upload the old mix so we can hear it.


what i dont understand is why it took 37 tracks. If I were going to record each string separetly for a song, It would take about 3. maybe you ought to narrow down what was recorded to only a few and then see how it sounds.
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If there was ever a guitarist that needs to be bitch-slapped, that's a perfect example of it... tell him to quit being such a fuckin' diva and just play his goddamn guitar!
seryozha said:
Okay, so me and my band (3 people, including me) have started recording some of our songs. We did the drums today (it took 2 tries or about 15 min) so i thought everything was honkey dorey, going smoothly ,Ha! We went to "track" the guitars in. well, 2 hours and 34 tracks later , yes 34 FUCKING tracks of guitar, it sounds like shit. I think my guitarist is a moron. What he wanted to do was do one track for EACH STRING of his guitar playing each part of his chords. So one track is just the 6th string, then another track is just the 5th string, so on and so forth.

Why the F$#@ did you let him even get away with it?

I wouldve set him straight in hurry.
punkin said:
And what if you did feed the Bear...let him master it for you and find out for yourself. But what do I know...I've never done business with either one.
Repeat after me 100 times:

I will not feed the bear, he does mixing not mastering, he does mixing not mastering.

I will not feed the bear, he does mixing not mastering, he does mixing not mastering.

I will not feed the bear, he does mixing not mastering, he does mixing not / mastering...
NYMorningstar said:
Repeat after me 100 times:

I will not feed the bear, he does mixing not mastering, he does mixing not mastering.

I will not feed the bear, he does mixing not mastering, he does mixing not mastering.

I will not feed the bear, he does mixing not mastering, he does mixing not / mastering...
