Tracking check


New member
Elo, I've been tryin to work a bit on my tracking, getting things to fit better from the start, I don't think i'm too good at it. So I recorded this little thing to see what u guys think of how the sounds blend. It's quite basic, I already hate the sound of the left geetar, and its a bit outta tune :p

So I was hoping u guys could give yer opinions on whether u think it all blends together ok, and what I can do to get better clarity between instruments at the tracking stage. How do u know if 2 sounds will work together well?

Also Do you guys record the main vocal first and build the tune around it? or the other way round? I do the latter, But how do u "make a hole" for the vocals? I can do it but I often have to eq a lot and make the vox fit and the geetars sound crap :P

Do ya think there is sufficient frequency space for a vocal in there?

I know there's a lot of questions here but I love doing this stuff and hope to improve. I'm also interested in how others work :)



Yeah, that's straight on up. I like the way the drums get added up into the bass and guitar. But still, you know what? On the headphones I use (they're okay, but a bit bass heavy) the drums sound more up front than the guitar. I say 'but' cuz I reckon the guitar usually has more of a balance with the drums. What's your reckoning?

Due west? :D

Aside from that: ace mikimg, ace room sound, ace recording.

Nice riff into the bargain.
yer prolly right about the drums being upfront, I guess I like the drum sound eh :D It's not really meant to "be" anything just experimenting with blending sounds. I find it hard and usually have to eq the hell outta stuff.

Cheers for the comments :)

No mics were involved btw, nor a room :D I programmed the drums with midi, and the geetars/bass are POD.
hey man, just stopping by to say hello. Mix sounds pretty balanced on the EQ side, but I'm not on monitors at the moment. I think the snare's a little hot.

I like the guit tone on the right a lot better than that fuzz on the left, LOL. I bet you do too.

Keep of these days, I'm gonna' get to hear a full tune from you.

buh bye.
chrisharris said: of these days, I'm gonna' get to hear a full tune from you.

Elo Chris,

Gonna get to hear a what now?? :confused: :p

Trouble is I can't sing :( well not in tune anyhoo. I've given a tape (yes a TAPE :o it has actual magnetic tape in it, remember that stuff? :p) to me singer with a few ideas on so out of the one's that don't make it to the band........... you never know, it might happen *looks up at the sky* :p