Tracking bass w/ a POD?

Here are 2 samples. Prior to ~1 month ago, I was using MIDI for bass. I purchased a cheap bass and have been using it through my PodXT since. Thus, I will preface that: a) I am a guitar player and not well versed in bass guitar; and b) am slowly developing an ear for bass tone - therefore, patches I use will evolve over time. Note: amp and cab names are Line6 names, not real names. No post-PodXT processing/mixing.

Patch 1: AMP - 1958 Tweed B-Man, CAB - 4x10 1958 Tweed B-Man, MIC - 57 On Axis

Patch 2: AMP - CC-Line 6 Super Clean, CAB - 4x10 2001 Line 6, MIC - 57 On Axis

MIDI BASS (bell rings loudly in head)

has anyone tried the bass version of the VG8????????????

I have the VG8 & it's wicked
