Tracking a monosignal through 2 tracks on a mixer


New member
I was wondering: Is there anything to consider in this signal-path?

----> mic-preamp (mono)
----> mixing desk track (mono)
----> mixing desk sub-outs (stereo, panned hard left/right respectively)
----> PC-card stereo ins
----> Cubase recording in MONO

I have always tracked this way with no audible (at least to my ears) problems.

Thanx for your comments.

it doesn't sound like it's a problem. why would you pan 2 of the same signals left and right? (asking so i can maybe better answer your question)
If you are monitoring and sending two mixer chanels of audio but only recording to one track of audio, this is no problem at all. If you'r using two tracks to record it, you're wasting one track. You could just record one track and pan it to the center. Two tracks of the same thing should be ok as long as they don't get out of phase for some reason.
Does that help?

Thanx mixsit,
Thanx spiral,

I record through both stereo inputs because I am too lazy to reset the panning on the sub-outs that go to the recording card. With this setting, I only have to send the signal to the sub-outs (one button), and worry in Cubase wether to record in mono or stereo.

I usually have the mic-preamp on track 1. so it is just one button to press to send the signal to the PC-card-ins.
Then my keyboards, POD, etc. are on two channels panned hard left and right. I only press the sub-out sends in both tracks, and the signal gets sent in stereo to the PC.

I hope this was clearer, but I still read from your answers that there shouldn't be a problem with the mono signal, even though it is split at the mixing desk and reunited in the PC-card.

Thanks again.
