Too much stuff?

de la cruz

New member
First let me give yall the run down:
Roland s10
ensoniq mirage
sound canvas sc88
alphajuno 1
yamaha compressor/limiter

I cant get the hiss out too much snow.
oh yea. i am using cakewalk home studio 9
i cant record my vocals.
Well, looking for the source of hiss is easy:

Disconnect everything, and see if there still is hiss.
if so, it's the recorder (in your case the sound card) that is causing the hiss. If not, connect in the things one at a time, first cables, then the equipment, piece by piece, until the hiss reappears. There ya have the problem.

When you know what is hissing, tell us and people can try helping you solving it.
Thats great advice. I used to own a car audio shop years ago. I had people bring their car to me and ask me "why is it when I hit the gas I hear that squeel?". In the car audio business that "squeel" is called the "weasel."
I just unplugged everything from the cource(head unit) and plugged then back in one at a time. That goes for anything audio, weasel, hiss, distortion, ect.
