too much in the ~4k range?


New member
Ever since I "upgraded" from my m-audio bx5a's to the bx8a deluxe's I have thought they were wayy to harsh. as a result, I've made alot of my mixes lately very dull sounding. I didn't have this problem with the bx5a's. Could it be my room (which I admit is poorly treated, only with a pack of auralex foam), or is it the speakers which I now really don't like. They are ok if I cut the 3-5k range with a dip at 4k, but I feel like that's all guessing and it's going to make it worse in the end. would putting up 703 insulation help at all?
It's impossible to say just where your problems reside without hearing your mixes, but I will say that "too much in the 4k range" is probably in the top 2 or 3 in the list of most common problems people have.

A combination of practically every instrument having significant energy in that range and all of them mashing up and creating a mound of mud there, combined with the average human ear being the most sensitive to frequencies right in that range, conspire to make the 4k area one of the most troublesome in the spectrum. So don't feel too bad that you have a problem with that; get in line behind a million of the rest of us ;).

Bass trapping - while almost always helpful - won't necessarily do a lot to help with the upper mids. But if your problem is not that you have too much of the mids, but rather not enough bass, speaker positioning and bass modality could be messing with you.

I'd recommend taking it to the MP3 clinic and letting others hear what's actually going on.
