Toneport & Midi Out Issue

Alan McGuinness

New member
My problem is listening to midi drums (any midi actually) via the Toneport (Headphones) I can listen via the PC speaker but everything else is via the Toneport.

Now here’s the weird bit, I also have Albeton live lite 6 that came with the Toneport and very good it is but the audio editing options are nowhere compared to Sonar. Anyway when playback is done using Albeton “all” tracks play via the Toneport (headphones) including the midi drum patterns

PC Spec: Acer 20” Laptop dual core 1.66 and 2gigs of Ram

I have done many options and variations on a theme via the “Midi devices” settings but to no avail.

Any ideas????

Thanks in advance,

Please dont crosspost.

The problem is that with the stock windows card, there is a standard midi software synth built in that plays midi files by default in windows. When using another sound card, that player does not get used unless you route specifically to it and then it may not necessarily play back through the second card either.

The solution is to have some form of plugin to play back your sounds (KVR Audio is a good place to start). I would start with the USM, its free but I am not sure if it will work live!
Thank you

Firstly, sorry for the cross posting but the issue did cross many genres’ (Midi, Sonar ect) And I assume most people predominantly stick to their own section of the BBS.

Secondly, thank you for the advice
But the bit that really puzzles me is that everything works as I would want it to in Albeton but not in Sonar, yet all settings are the same for both.

In windows, the midi playback device is set as Toneport UX1
In Sonar, the midi playback device is set as Toneport UX1
In Albeton, the midi playback device is set as Toneport UX1

The only way to get Midi sound in Sonar is to change the Midi output to MS SW wavetable and then it plays via the PC speakers not Toneport.

When Toneport is selected as the Midi output in Sonar you get ZIP, either via the PC speakers or the headphones attached to the Toneport

Take care,

My answer was a little off base since it was not perfectly clear what you were asking.

What you have to understand that the Toneport will be your only sound interface so the computer speaker will not be used at all. From what I can gather without looking at the manual is that the software needs to be running and if you want to use as a plugin in sonar, you have to purchase the upgrade. I would give live some more time since it does work and it is an excellent sequencer
Thank You Again

I too would like and intend to give Albeton more time, I like the feel and stability. But I do get the feeling it is dance/trance (whatever) based.

I on the other hand am a guy with a few guitars, voice and midi drum loops just trying to make my own stuff.

I am used to working with Cakewalk products (going back to CW5)
I think it does audio manipulation very well and as that is where I spend 90% of my efforts it seems a natural fit.

Albeton seems VERY limited in the audio manipulation department but maybe I have not spent enough time with it yet.

As to the answer to my question I am still puzzled by your response
I just need to know why Sonar will not output Midi to the Toneport even when all settings are setup to do so and it works a treat in Albeton.

Take care,


"In windows, the midi playback device is set as Toneport UX1
In Sonar, the midi playback device is set as Toneport UX1
In Albeton, the midi playback device is set as Toneport UX1

The only way to get Midi sound in Sonar is to change the Midi output to MS SW wavetable and then it plays via the PC speakers not Toneport.

When Toneport is selected as the Midi output in Sonar you get ZIP, either via the PC speakers or the headphones attached to the Toneport"
The toneport is just an interface, nothing really runs through it other than the sound. All processing is done via the software set (as far as I can tell from the line 6 website anyway). The version of ableton is obviously set up with the gearbox software out of the box. For the same thing to be available for sonar, you would need to set the software up as a plugin which if I read it right, requires an upgrade (

That being said, you should be able to run gearbox and sonar at the same time and the incoming signal will record wet into an audio track.

What I am not clear about is that you keep mentioning the midi aspect of it and I really cannot find anything that indicates that the gearbox software has any instruments with it. Are you sure that you are actually routing a midi signal into the gearbox software and not some other VSTi in Live? It really sounds like it has a midi track set up to a tone generator and you are interpreting that as it coming from the Toneport.

I would set up sonar with the line 6 as your ASIO audio interface and just use the built in midi instruments for now and see if you can get the results you are looking for since it just sounds like you are trying to create backing drum tracks and so forth. If that is the case, you will NOT need to route any midi to the toneport, you will need to route midi to an virtual instrument in sonar and the will automatically route itself to the audio outputs of the toneport

As far as ableton goes, yes it is well suited for loopy stuff but it also has a very solid linear sequencer just like sonar. In the upper right hand corner, there are two buttons, one with 3 vertical lines, one with 3 horizontal lines. Select the one with the horizontal lines (arraignment view) and that should be a little more familiar looking
You are a GOD amounst men
That makes perfect sense (even to me) and I very much appreciate you taking the time and effort to explain it in the manner you did.

"It really sounds like it has a midi track set up to a tone generator and you are interpreting that as it coming from the Toneport."

Damit you are soooo right (DOH!!!)

"If that is the case, you will NOT need to route any midi to the toneport, you will need to route midi to an virtual instrument in sonar and the will automatically route itself to the audio outputs of the toneport"

Damit again, your a f**kin genius
You are now entitled to my first born child ect, ect

Sleep well and I hope life is better than your dreams

Take care,
