Tone Direct Monitoring Audio Interfaces


New member
I am looking for an upgrade for recording high gain electric guitar (les paul) using guitar effects VST software. I currently own a Toneport GX by Line 6 which has "Tone Direct Monitoring", which allows you to hear the guitar effects software WHILE RECORDING with extremely low latency, independent of the buffer settings used in the host software.

Are there any other audio interfaces that have this feature? I was looking at the Roland DUO Capture Ex which seems to be able to handle electric guitar well without clipping, which seems to be an issue with a lot of interfaces. But I want to be able to record and hear guitar effects with very low latency like the toneport.

I am looking to spend no more than $300. I do not need many inputs or outputs...all I care about is just hooking up a guitar to it and having great sound quality.
All interfaces typically have this feature but the guitar would be clean because the direct monitoring is BEFORE it gets into the computer, which is why there is such low latency. You would have to have an amp modeler and THEN plug it into an interface. The only one I can think of under $300 is the Line 6 POD 2.0.
There are two basic ways to go here.
An AI such as the Line 6 units that (AFAIK) have some built in digital guitar effects and since this is PRE the computer the latency "should" be very low.

Note "should". The signal into the box still has to be digitized, then "effected" then D/A converted for you to hear it back. I know a lot of people use the Line 6 AIs but I have no experience of how good the FX are or how low the latency is.

The other route is to buy a really low latency interface and use computer based FX. The only AI at sensible money that I know of that is fast enough is the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6. Many PROMISE "ultra low latency" but few really deliver.

But there is a third way! There is now at least one very good, very advanced digital modelling guitar amp on the market with comprehensive recording capability. I must not spam but just glance up and right!

I use a Line 6 UX2 and nothing comes close to the quality and low latency of the sound. Using Pod Farm 2.5 I get unnoticed latency and with VSTs I get 14-51ms, depending on the DAW, effects and number of armed tracks running Pod Farm. All I can say is Line 6 all the way for AIs and amp modelling.

P.S. I'm pretty sure that the UX2 costs less than 300USD. I got mine in the UK for 159GBP.