Toms-SM57, D2s or other


New member
Im looking for some mics for toms preferably under 200 each but im open for suggestions.
I recently compared Audio Technicas D2's to sm 57s on toms. I found the the 57s to be more clear with a more defined transient and the D2s to be fuller and thicker. With the right EQ and compression I can get the attack and definition out of the D2's but its hard to thicken up the 57s. So im leaning towards the D2's.
I'm no expert though so I'd love to hear what others think.
Also if a go with the D2s should i get a D4 for the floor tom?
Thanks for the help!
The 408's are decent, but if you want the real EV tom mic, look for an older 408. The new ones don't sound nearly as full and rich. Personally, I would avoid the Audix tom mics unless you are going to put D4's on all the toms. Sennheiser 604's are in my opinion a great value. Good balance between cost and performance. I have yet to find a tom mic that I like better than my old EV 408's though. That includes the venerable Sennheiser 421.
Is there a physical difference between the two that I would be able to spot? There doesn't even seem to be a lot of information around about these mics. They're not listed on EVs website.
Second on the E609. I've also had good luck with the AT ATM-25 on floor tom. Though I haven't had a chance to try one, I've heard good things about the Oktava MC012 small diaphragm condensers on toms. They were cheap when GC carried them. Not so much anymore.