To The Moon-Simspajt

Very atmospheric beginning. Sounds like the beginning to a film or a Pink Floyd track.

Very nice clean guitar tone. The low notes sounds really thick without being muddy.

The bass playing is my favorite part. I think that the electric guitar sound at the end is a bit too loud/harsh. It tore me out of the comfy mood that you had set up.
I think the intro goes on a little too long before the music starts in. The beating drums when they start the first time could be louder, when they start up again in the latter part of the song, can't really hear the cymbals.
The radio transmission part makes it a little confusing - we hear that it's Columbia, and the 'we've got a problem', then it picks up again (maybe a repeat of an earlier part, or a new one?). I'm not sure the 'one small step' part works at the end, might be better to let the music play out the story. IF you really want to keep that, lower the volume a bit on it.
Very Floyd-y!
I made the drumms with EZdrummer and i set the cymbals very low, to low. About radio transmission parts: i will probably cut out some of them because the song sounds like a movie soundtrack and that was not my goal. Yes, it's a kind of Floyd-y. When i finished it i put this song on CD along with Pink Floyds new album The Endless River just for reference and i must say it fits really nice with it. When then i gave CD to my friends nobody realised my intruder song.:)
Thank you for your time.