To quantize or not to quantize - that is the question

Yes, that's what I said in my last post.

It's usually only one or two notes per track. Just gonna leave it as it is and see if people notice :o

If it's just one or two wongo hits, just leave them as-is or copy a single good hit and paste it on top carefully lining it up over the bad one.
Fixing drums isn't a bad thing it just has to be done right. If you are going to nudge something you have to nudge everything. So your cuts have to be across all drum tracks and you have to move all of them or you get flamms and phase issues.
Thanks everyone for the feedback :)
I'll see how it goes and may try copy/pasting if one or two notes are seriously out but should be fine.
EZDrummer makes a drum tracking program that can convert the drum audio to midi. Once it's been converted you can quantize without the phasing issues, though you may have to play the result on a sampled kit.