TL Audio - the original C1?

Come on guys i really need your help here with your experiece with a TL Audio Original C1 Stereo mic pre/ compressor. I would also love to hear what Fletcher has to say on this unit.

I had an original C1 I bought when they first came out in the mid 90's. Gray with square meter displays. Great unit. What would you like to know about the C1?
i might be able to get an original TL Audio c1 for approx. $500 .
What do you think? Is the mic pre good? is the compressor good?
Can the compressor be used in mastering situations?

Please advise with all feelings. I am more interested in a Great River or API mic pre but maybe i'll just buy it check it out and resell it if it has a value over $600

Magnet, if the C1 is in good shape, $500 would be a nice price. Good pres, excellent comp. Yes, you could use it for mastering. An engineer ran the entire 2-track mix of Alanis Morissette's "Jagged Little Pill" through a C1.

I'll say that the pres in the C1 are more than useable, but they're not at the level of GR or API. The business end of the C1 is the comp, and that would be the reason to buy it. The pres are just icing on the cake.

I see C1's occasionally on Ebay, and they tend to go for about $700.
Thanks for your input Dot.
I have a broken HHB Fatman, is the compressor similar or the same as the fatman or on a higher level?
by the way anyone know why my fatman just started to smell like components burning everytime i turn it on? It won't pass signal any longer as well.

any help on either topic would be great

The fully-variable compressor on the C1 is on a much higher and more powerful level than your Fatman.

Might wanna have a tech look at your Fatman if it's not operating right.