Tips on instrumental technical metal?


New member
I'm looking for bands making instrumental technical metal.
If they're progressive, and/or make long songs, then that's even better :)

I don't know many bands like these so I can't give you any specific references, but I'm into Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster, and I've started to check out Bloated Science a bit.

Again, instrumental music please :)
I wish Children of Bodom made only instrumental music. They are awesome technical players but they have this singer who screeches and shrieks. I have no idea why anyone would do that over otherwise beautiful playing.

Have you heard of Animals as Leaders? They are a local DC band. Highly technical. I think they may have some singing but not much.
I'm looking for bands making instrumental technical metal.
If they're progressive, and/or make long songs, then that's even better :)

I don't know many bands like these so I can't give you any specific references, but I'm into Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster, and I've started to check out Bloated Science a bit.

Again, instrumental music please :)

Mate, check out Toska. Prob-metal, good players, sound good. Not really my cup of tea but its a lot easier to listen to than stuff like Animals as Leaders. Toska actually sound like their playing songs as opposed to demonstrating their technical ability, timing changes and knowledge of music theory.
Use a random number generator to set your time signature for each measure. Sit back like a boss as everyone tries to figure out the really advanced patterns in your music. Bust up laughing as they actually find some.