Tips for a new singer


New member
Hello everyone, so today I started singing. Never sang a song in my entire life, literally. Im quite shy so not even for fun or anything. Anyways I tried a cover of the only living boy in new york by simon and garfunkel and recorded it real quick to hear myself. It seems like im pushing it out too much or something, not very natural. Any insider tips for a newbie like me? I could post a cover of something of me singing if that may help. Thanks!
Most people think their voice sounds weird when recorded for the first time :)

Yeah if you have a clip that would help a lot!
Experiment over and over again. First and foremost, use your abs. Sing from your core, not by taking a deep breath. Also learn how to manipulate the distances you can approach the mic.

......and of course - PRACTICE! A voice is an instrument. It has to be tuned, maintained, and exercised.
Ok, I will post something tomorrow or saturday because i accidently didnt save the one i recorded before. Maybe i will try a different song thats easier lol. I will also try singing with my abs and of course practice:)
One of the best breathing exercises my coach gave me was to sip air to the count of eight. So as your are counting (slowly) to eight take one sip for every second breathing in and then to the count of eight expel one sip for every second. This will help with training youself to keep enough air in your diaphram so that you don't run out or have to push when singing. Also, always warm up. You can probably find some great exercises on youtube. Ozzy does it, you should too!!
Sing stuff you know you can do and avoid straining on stuff you aren't able to sing. Your range will increase slowly but no point in depressing yourself out of it before it's time. And realize your limits - you may never be Geddy Lee or Queen.
I sang in choir from 1st grade through 12th, lettered in Madrigals, then in bands and choirs, and now in my home studio. Some people say I'm pretty good.

My philosophies are; 1. Singers are born (like drummers) and then can be trained and practiced and develop their talent, however a good bit of it is innate (I believe.) 2. Singing is 90% up here (points at noggin) about 6% down here (points at gut) and only about 4% up here (points and neck/face area..)

When you're singing, you are truly naked in front of people... It's not at all like playing an instrument. And you have to have self confidence? You have to believe that you have the biggest (insert body part here) in the room...

Again, these are only my thoughts and opinions, however they are sincere, and I've been doing it for a while (not professionally.)
I sang in choir from 1st grade through 12th, lettered in Madrigals, then in bands and choirs, and now in my home studio. Some people say I'm pretty good.

My philosophies are; 1. Singers are born (like drummers) and then can be trained and practiced and develop their talent, however a good bit of it is innate (I believe.) 2. Singing is 90% up here (points at noggin) about 6% down here (points at gut) and only about 4% up here (points and neck/face area..)

When you're singing, you are truly naked in front of people... It's not at all like playing an instrument. And you have to have self confidence? You have to believe that you have the biggest (insert body part here) in the room...

Again, these are only my thoughts and opinions, however they are sincere, and I've been doing it for a while (not professionally.)

Guitar players who sing are worse lol (me) but I had to say that this is a pretty accurate post RR....
We are all gifted in different ways... I enjoy many instruments, but consider myself a guitar player, and a singer, but I'm also a keyboard player? And if you can bang the boards? You can do pretty much anything?

My favorite quote is? And I made this one up? Other's may have said it? But I haven't heard them?

There is no H? How hard can it be? :-)

It goes ABCDEFG There is no H? It repeats... ABCDEFG.
My eyes were opened (Like this: :eek:) when I was told by my instructor that singing isn't about developing/building a skill like playing guitar or drums. It's about developing/building your own instrument: your voice.

And on that note, here are some helpful lessons from him:
My eyes were opened (Like this: :eek:) when I was told by my instructor that singing isn't about developing/building a skill like playing guitar or drums. It's about developing/building your own instrument: your voice.

And on that note, here are some helpful lessons from him:

oh thanks for the links kidkage will visit ....