Time Machines...


New member
Did you ever think it would be cool to go back in time to 1962 or 1963, and play the Beatles some of their stuff from Revolver or Sgt Peppers (from 4 or 5 years later), and they'd be all like, "Oh groovy man, your songs are like how we want to sound," and then they'd let you join the band, and you could be all like, "How do you like me now, Dad? Huh? And you said I wouldn't amount to anything. Now I'm a FRICKEN' BEATLE!!!"
I would go back to the Pet Sounds sessions, and tell them they'd get a much warmer sound if they stopped using those modern tape machines and U47s and sang into a horn attached to a wax cylinder :p
I'd go back to 1955 in a DeLorean and make sure my parents hooked up at the school dance so I don't disappear from photographs.
ive thought about going back to the late 50's and early 60's and stocking up on blackface fenders and stratocasters :cool:

hg wells. time machine was a cool movie btw
a time machine will never be invented because if it is invented in the future, we would have had a raving loony come back and claim to be from the future by now
a time machine will never be invented because if it is invented in the future, we would have had a raving loony come back and claim to be from the future by now

although i think its impossible... there is the possibility of parallel universes and wormholes to other dimensions .. and dont get me started on quantum foam as an acoustic insulation
here is the wormhole formula if you feel like getting to work :D

ds^2= - c^2 dt^2 + dl^2 + (k^2 + l^2)(d \theta^2 + \sin^2 \theta \, d\phi^2
a time machine will never be invented because if it is invented in the future, we would have had a raving loony come back and claim to be from the future by now

It was invented. I know because I seen it on the television. Maybe they ever had Sherman and Peabody on Aussie TV. :p


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I've had the same thought about going back just to buy cool vintage gear when it was still new. Mainly because I am probably entirely too obsessed with music gear. Plus, they might wonder where I got the 50 dollar bills that have 1990's and 2000's dates on them :eek:

You could also do what was done to the DeLorean to an oil tanker, and start nabbing gas from the past :D

Of course, why would I ever think to go back and stop, say, Hitler? I just want guitars and recording gear!
:mad: I'd go back in time and make sure the mother of the Chief Executive of the piece of shit company I work for is exposed to as much Thalydimide as possible during pregnancy. :mad:
Of course, why would I ever think to go back and stop, say, Hitler? I just want guitars and recording gear!

Go back and get Les Paul's first electric guitar, then strangle Hitler with one of the strings.

Problems solved!

(as commission, just get me his first multitrack recorder)
I've had the same thought about going back just to buy cool vintage gear when it was still new. Mainly because I am probably entirely too obsessed with music gear. Plus, they might wonder where I got the 50 dollar bills that have 1990's and 2000's dates on them :eek:

And that reminds me of my absolute favorite time travel story, "Of Time and Third Avenue" by Alfred Bester. I still get chills up and down my spine when I read it, even though it's only 5 pages long and I've read it at least 88 times.