

New member
Here's a re-worked version of a track I posted in the mixing/mastering forum a while back.

Comments please - many thanks...

The line-up for this track is:
* Gibson Les Paul Studio through Fender Vibrolux - mic was an SM58 on the cab. Sounded fairly bright at the time, the amp is quite 'twangy'.
* LoungeLizard VSTi (Fender Rhodes type sound)
* CheeseMachine VSTi (high-pitched synth noise)
* 2 different sets of Backing vocals, one 3-part harmony from the lead singer, one double-tracked counter melody from a different singer - mic was a Rode NT3 (hypercardiod condensor)
* One set of lead vocals - mic was the NT3 again
* One plucked stand up bass part - line in via a SansAmp bass unit
* One bowed stand-up bass part - line in via a SansAmp bass unit
* Cellofan VSTi (Cello sound)

I'm not using vast numbers of plug-ins at all. I have a fairly conservative amount of digital reverb on everything except the bass group (plucked bass, cellofan and bowed bass), which has no reverb at all.
The second set of BVs and the 'CheeseMachine' have vast amounts of reverb as well as some delay.

I'm using Waves R-Comp as a compressor on all the vocals (separated into the two groups of vox and the lead on its own, I have the compressor on the groups as opposed to the individual tracks).

I have a low-shelf on everything apart from the plucked upright bass in an attempt to make everything brighter.

I don't really master stuff myself - but I do make things louder by using WavesL2 (or similar) when I want to pass stuff around to friends etc so you'll hear that also.
This sounds pretty good. Interesting arrangement. Vaguely reminiscent of Crash Test Dummies. The lead vocal could come down a dB or two. Nice work, here.