Three questions about Strats


New member
1. In a few days I will have both Custom Shop 69's and Fat 50's. I have a Malmsteen Strat with a maple neck. I was going to put Fat 50's in all three positions, but then I thought that maybe a Fat 50 in the neck might be a little too warm and bassy. Would it be better to put a 69 in the neck? Seems like Fat 50's in the bridge and middle with a 69 in the neck could be a nice combination.

2. What is the relationship between pickup height and tone and sustain? I thought I read many years ago that if the pickup is set too close to the strings you will actually lose sustain. And is there a relationship between pickup height and tone?

3. Is it true that Mexican Strats have less mass in the bridge block than their American made Strats? I wonder if it would be worth it to order an American Strat bridge and install it on my Mexican body.
I can only speak to #2--and might miss the mark even there.

Pickups and strings: too far and the pickup won't be as hot as it could be; might sound weak. Too close and it's said that the pull of the magnets can actually slow the vibration of the strings, thereby reducing sustain.

So, like most things in life, it's a balancing act. Find the sweet spot and be happy.

Good luck.
Cant comment on 1 or 3 but pickup height is down to the player I think. I used to go by the fender recommendation on my strat but after a lot of raising/lowering I've settled a sight lower than is recommended. You just have to listen and experiment with different heights as whitestrat says. I was surprised how low I liked my front pickup.