Thoughts on Yamaha AW16G please!


New member
I'm thinking about buying my first digital multi-track recorder for making home demos and I wanted to know if anyone has any opinions on the Yamaha AW16G?

Here's what I require:
To record four tracks at once, no sound quality compression (I think I mean that I want 24-bit sound?), built-in reverb, compression, EQ etc. for mastering. Built-in drum tracks and guitar amps/effects models would be nice too. And a built-in CD burner.

Is there anything better than the Yamaha that you can recommend in this price range or can you tell me your own feelings about the Yamaha?

Many thanks
Yo Mouse who plays "da" blues:]

You can go to the AW16 site and get a snootfull of information regarding the unit.

For the money, it does a good job. I use the Yam 2816; however, I do use an outboard compressor, the RNC -- a great buy for the money.

You did mention 24 bit; you can do that, I think, but you can't burn a CD in that bit bite! 16 bit is the CD standard at the moment, I think. Things change so fast in electronics.

Go to the site; it's like, or something close to that. You'll find it.

Green Hornet
:D :cool:
The site is but it's not a patch on this one:)

A search here will unearth plenty of posts. The Yammie is strictly 16 bit, but for my money it's the best sounding HDR in its price range and, although I don't use them, it has a good suite of treatments for mixing down.
Hey Hornet - that's an acquired taste:) Islay malt - very peaty. I like it too but I no longer dare to have scotch in the house.:rolleyes:

21barrodent - seriously, you could do a lot worse, but there are cheaper if you definitely only need 4 track simulatneous recording. Except you'll need more later