This sucks!


New member
I did a search on this and didn't find anything, so maybe someone can help. I'm using cubase 5.0 with a Mac G4 and a Delta 1010...Is it possible to record from more than 2 inputs at a time? I've tried everything I can think of to get this to work and I'm about to freak out. It really sucks trying to record a drumkit with only 2 inputs. Maybe it's just not possible. Thanks for any insight,
Well, a few things. Do you have multirecord enabled withing Cubase? Also check 'inputs' to you have all of them enabled? Are you setting the inputs in the mixer correctly, hold down ctrl, and left mouse click on the little box at the very top of each channel strip, and put them to 1L for input 1, 1R for input 2, 2L for input 3, 2R for input 4 etc. etc. Check the manual and online help for the locations of 'multirecord', 'inputs'.

Good luck.