this mic and preamps

Yes. All condenser microphones have some sort of preamp built in, but you still need another preamp to amplify the signal. The terminology is what is confusing. The mic's internal preamp (which runs on phantom power from your external preamp/mixer) is just enough to boost the signal along the mic cable to the preamp. The external preamp boosts the signal up to line level for recording.
All condenser mics have a preamp built in because the diaphragm vibration results in a changing capacitancs, which in itself doesn't produce a signal that can be sent down a cable and amplified - so there are electronics built in that use the change in capacitance to output varying voltage and current.

Dynamics, on the other hand, dont need this sort of circuitry, as the motion of the diaphragm generates currents by nature.
What do you mean when you say a preamp is still needed to boost the condenser mic signal up to line level? I have to boost my dynamic mics just to equal the condensors, and turn the condenser mics volume down just to get an even mix.
That's because the sensitivity of the condensor is greater than the dynamic.

But you still need to raise the MIC LEVEL to LINE LEVEL for your recording media to be able to make use of the signal, regardless of mic capsule type.