"This Blame" - Quick little song, acoustic, piano, etc.


New member
Made this one the other day. Granted I've never been the best singer, Melodyne and lots of layers helped me out on this one....

Love to hear how you think it sounds.

I wish I had a real drumset and not samples/sequencer...but other than that I'm happy enough with it all.


It's the first one right on the top. "This Blame"

the first couple of measures almost made me press stop........and now i think i want to listen again. Its good......lyrics are repetative. but i like the simple nature of the sound.

The trick would be to fix the drum line like you mentioned, without losing the childlike and simple nature of it all.

good work.
Made this one the other day. Granted I've never been the best singer, Melodyne and lots of layers helped me out on this one....

Love to hear how you think it sounds.

I wish I had a real drumset and not samples/sequencer...but other than that I'm happy enough with it all.


It's the first one right on the top. "This Blame"

I like it very much. I love the bass. Very nicely done. You have an understanding of making the chorus pop out...the textural differences from verse to chorus. Your voice is pretty good. Not a lot of power represented here, but plenty of quality. Nice work.