They're all gonna laugh at me...


New member
Ok - first real mix attempt and first post.

I'm a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none kinda musician who just likes to screw around and do mostly cover tunes with an original song popping out every now and again.

I know there are plenty of things wrong with this, so should have lots to choose from to comment on. :D Even if you can just point out 1 or 2 places I can fix things and how to approach it, I'd be most grateful!

Here tis - Body Is A Wonderland cover - Grammy-winning song by John Mayer for those who don't know. His version's a bit better than mine - LOL!

Thanks! :)

... just set up the site and tested it ok - hope it holds up. Will look into the soundclick or nowhere radio I saw posted elsewhere.
Crap... :(

Thanks, Earl, for letting me know. Looks like geocities does not allow links from messages boards... :mad:
Tried looking at, and it says that covers are not allowed. Anyone know where I would be able to upload a cover tune?? :confused:

If you don't mind cutting and pasting the address, I think that should work. ( ) Very grateful to anyone taking the time to listen and offer any insight.

Thanks! :)
Not a bad sound. I think the vocal needs to be louder and more present. Nice easy listen though.
I like it, very, very well done. Although bringing out the vocal would be logical and good for the recording, if you are trying to get the close representation of John Mayer, then you have it, he isn't upfront really with the vocals. But that is my opinion, but I don't know much.
i think the tracking was done very well. Alll of the vocals and instruments are right on. My only complaint would be that it is way to watery. Ye know that song red red wine? it kindof reminds of that. I would say tone down on the chorus and the verb. I would like to hear a more natural sound. The bass and drums were done well.
Thanks a lot for the input, guys. :)

I'm sure it must be a common thing, but it's weird for me to hear my own voice played back, hence I tend to like drowning it in effects to make it a bit more distant and even out the rough edges. (Wish I had that AutoTune plugin! :D) I'll have to try to ease up on it a bit. Thanks again - I really appreciate the comments!
Not bad...I too think the vocals should come up. I think until your confident with the vocals you may have problems. That's something you need to get over. Just my 2 you knows...:cool: