Theremins, anyone?

Does anyone have or play Theremin? And have you built your own?

Used to have one on loan a while back. Pretty cool. I've always thought it would be fun to design a virtual Theremin app using a video camera and some simple image recognition software. Use one axis for the pitch and one axis for the volume. :D
Hey that's clever! I've been thinking about making a cheap-o one, it seems you pretty much need to be able to solder and that's about it :p And pretty much any sound used properly can sound good.
Used to have one on loan a while back. Pretty cool. I've always thought it would be fun to design a virtual Theremin app using a video camera and some simple image recognition software. Use one axis for the pitch and one axis for the volume. :D

I think Leena Lovich did it with a suit in the 80s

You can get a Moog one here complete or you can DIY

There use to be an app for OS9 on Mac but no one updated it for OSX - given the number of AU plug-ins it is a wonder no one has. It was a really nice little piece as the Theremin only needs 2 dimensions to work and the mouse pad did it all.

My only feeling it is a bit like a harmonica or cello interesting on occasion, but not the most sonorous sound you will ever hear - if it was to be your main passion then I think the Vegas strip with the guy who plays the 'saw' is where you'll end up.

That said a new skill ever year(particularly kinaesthetic) wards off dementia - I'm learning Mandarin (thats lead free paint based Mandarin)
Yo trumpeters of the THEREMIN:

Years back, in Chicago, a well know DJ who made it television, Black/White then, interviewed the ONLY person in the Musician's Union Handbook of members who played the THEREMIN.

I believe the DJ was Marty Faye, but I'm stretching my mind to remember. The Theremin player was a female, kind of old then, and put her hands into the "waves" and played something.

I think I'll stick to my synth but enjoy all sounds.

Green Hornet:cool:
My only feeling it is a bit like a harmonica or cello interesting on occasion, but not the most sonorous sound you will ever hear

Really? You're putting cello in a category with harmonica and theremin? Instead of coming down on you, allow me to wholeheartedly recommend some listening:
bach cello suites
dvorak concerto (saw this live, converted me for life)
this CD which is a bunch of kind of show-offish, sometimes encore type pieces by a very talented lady