TheConsolationProject - MusicBox

Just passing the 4 minute point as I write. You've clearly got some good skills - there are some great ideas in there, there are long patches of excellent playing and some nice production. Plus obviously a great deal of work.

But just how much Pink Floyd do you listen to, exactly?:) Those abrupt shifts of sound you find on much of their stuff seems to be an influence on you, but it doesn't feel to me that you've quite got the hang of making it work. Not yet, anyway, but it's an ambitious effort and kudos to you for going for it. My input, which you are free to ignore, would be to work on a stronger underlying song first, then demonstrate your mastery of both the instruments and the software.

Seriously, you clearly have talent - keep at it.

i composed/recorded this song in one night. I listen to pink floyd a little bit here and there, own many of their albums...

I have written many songs that hold their own ground i was just trying to delve deeper. not all my songs do this on off dynamics stuff..
