The Weekend

lurgan liar said:
Please feel free to criticise as much as you like.

You are ugly, fat and dress poorly.

Oh, you meant the song?? :confused: :D

Very good. Love the mandolin stuff. Balance is good, I can use a tad more lead vox, but I say that a lot lately. I think the mandolin is competing too much with the vox. Its a very good song, well done. :cool:
I love the mandolin, and the electric guitars - I really would like to hear some acoustic guitars to fill out the rhythm.

In that context, it would be nice to have the electrics come up more gradually.

More kick and snare - cymbal and HH levels sound good.

This is a well written and executed song - thanks for posting it.

Does the acoustic guitar actually stop after the intro or is that the mando playing chords? I think this is a very good recording & song but would like to hear more of the acoustic if it's in there.

Nice acoustic guitar sound sounds bright yet warm.
Nice Bass guitar sound cuts trough nicely
Drums are not loud , as they should ;)
Electric guitar blends nice in stereo with the mandoline and the acoustic guitar, thats a very nice job.
Harmonic/double vocals blend nicely.

Mandoline might be a tiny bit too bright. You might want to compress those highs on 4.20.
Vocals might be a bit harsh in the wee of weekend, but that's just nitpicking all the way. If I would listen to this record it would not bother me at all.

On producing level: At certain points there is a bit too much going on at the same time. The rules say there should only be 4 elements playing at the same time, an element being something that plays exact the same rythm.
But hey, rules are meant to be broken !!

Very nice overall sound , you did a very nice job in using your entire stereo field !
Nice song...I think I still hear teh acoustic throughout...but it's buried. Maybe take the vocals down a notch, and same with the electric...just a hair. That should let the acoustic and teh mando come through a bit cleaner.

Cool tune though....I really like it.
Hey Guys,

Got a chance to take on board alll of the above suggestions.

Here is my Remix

Weekend REMIX!

I think i have got rid of most of the clutter... everything seems a lot easier to make out anyways. I've noticed that when i turn my monitors up more and turn all the channels down a bit i seem to get a better mix as i leave more headroom... thanks guys. let me know what ya's think of this one. :)
I listened to both versions. Version two sounds really good. Maybe the main vocal could be just a dB lower at the beginning. Nice meshing of the acoustic and elec gtrs. Not easy to do IME. The ac gtr sounds much more natural to me in the second version, as does the mandolin. Nice mandolin tremolo. Gtr solo in the middle could be longer. But then the mandolin comes in again and I don't miss the gtr. :D There's a good balance between the main and BG vocals.