the ultimate guide to recording heavy guitar.everyone must read this!!!!!!

some of you may have read this and some may not have. all credit goes to slipperman on this. he has started perhaps one of the best threads going about recording big loud distorted guitars and he shares his wisdom. sit back and read all of this. there is something in here for all of us.

Here are the links:

Part I:

Part II:
(Mainly a compiling of Slipperman's posts from Part I with some banter).

Part III: ays=0&postorder=&start=0
this guy could have written this in half the time if he had just sticked to the subject instead of making fun of guitarists and asst engineers every paragraph. some interesting ideas though. i dunno about the whole incredibly anal cab miking, finding the right volume and everything but hey why would he write it? what i did find interesting was the idea of getting as much gain as possible using EQ and compression while tracking to take out the part of the signal that is not used so that he can increase the gain. makes sense. a little scary to try tho.