The Ultimate Computer?


New member
Whats your Idea of the ultimate computer for a DAW(Digital Audio Workstation)"For the Noobs" Feel Free to debate over Pentium and AMD. AMD is better!
The ultimate computer would handle all software tasks on it's own and fetch me a beer while it's at it. It would find me the best deals on gear so I can stop endlessly searching. It would tell me not to click on threads titled "The Ultimate Computer".
+1 on TravisinFlorida

But MY ultimate computer would also tune everybody's instruments for them (but not mine: it's always in turn).
If you wanna go really crazy and find out the ultra ultra best way, without looking at money you could try something like this:
4 x AMD Opteron 8xx dual core processors (giving you 8 cpus)
4 x the latest GeForce graphics cards in dual SLI mode.
This would allow you to connect 8 monitors.
4 x 4 x 2 gigs of ram = 32 gigs of ram.
as mana SCSI harddisks as you can fit (I would think about 8) of the biggest size.
Audo cards, I'm not even going there.
I'm not touching the software part either.

Be prepared for a set back of around 20.000 dollars, give or take a quid (guessing).
I wouldn't waste the money on anything SLI just yet. They haven't quite figured out how to utilize the rest of the cards in the chain, and spending a few hundred on a video card you are going to utilize 30% of is a little goofy imo.
and a foot massage

TravisinFlorida said:
The ultimate computer would handle all software tasks on it's own and fetch me a beer while it's at it. It would find me the best deals on gear so I can stop endlessly searching. It would tell me not to click on threads titled "The Ultimate Computer".

forgot to mention a foot massage, man! I'd be looking for that too in my ultimate computer