The Tail That Waggs the Dog

Nice variety of good sounding guitar tones with good panning/separation. Vocals sound good, maybe just a couple of places where they are hard to hear, but in general the level is good. Bass and drums sound good to me. I really don't hear anything bad or out of place that justifies complaining about. very nice.
It's reminiscent to me of early cars or that eighties era, and that's the era the era the era I like.
If you can produce this song live, I'm envious I can't live where you guys gig.
Lucky you've got a vocalist who gives all in the song. He's got a lady puller voice. Gats great.
My headphones lie to me so I can't comment on mix nor vocal pitch actually (no sound room development in this rented flat) but feel and rhythm is shit hot. Thru headphones is immaculate.
A very hot song.
A very, very good production.
I'd buy the record.
Shoot, maybe I'll just download it from here ...

D/L done. Sorry dude, no 20 cents royalty.

Born To Run one of those songs that you recline back to (with your beer) and talk with your mates. Good for a song that's melancholy. Melancholy is good .. gives you pause, reflection ...
Thanks guitarZero!

This is a collab. Singer is in Scottland, Keys player is in Canada, Drummer is form Kansas I played guitars and bass from Ohio. And I'd never be able to do that live unless I grew 4 more arms! :D
I guess my main complaint is the eq. I think mainly on bass and drums. Seems guitars in this genre have been all over the board with eq but bass and drums have some sort of standard. (If that makes sense?) Still searching for it!
Thanks for the compliments bro!!